Academic Catalogs

Fashion (FASH)

FASH A0500.5-2 Units (27-108 lab hours)  
Sewing Lab  
Grading Mode: Pass/No Pass
Not Transferable.
A laboratory-based course to improve clothing construction skills. Students work independently according to a study plan they devise and complete, under the supervision of the course instructor. Includes periodic student-teacher conferences, completion of individualized lab assignments, and a final self-assessment report. Enrollment is open all semester. Offered on a pass-no pass basis only. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A050

FASH A1001.5 Units (18 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)  
Beginning Clothing Techniques  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course is an introduction to basic clothing construction. Students will learn basic clothing construction techniques, terminology, pattern layout, measuring and cutting, and complete multiple easy-to-sew projects. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A100

FASH A1163 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Fashion Styling  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Principles of fashion styling. This course explores industry terms, styling types, building a styling kit, and working on a set. Examines methods and materials used for careers in fashion styling. Students will create a professional portfolio of work. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A116

FASH A1173 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Creative Production  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Provides an opportunity to learn fashion creative production for photo shoots, videos, social media, and E-commerce fashion businesses. Areas covered include: planning, producing, hiring models, hiring a production team, permits, and post-production processes.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A117

FASH A1183 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Trend Forecasting  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Studies the techniques and procedures for identifying and forecasting fashion trends and evaluates current trends found in lifestyles, business, ready-to-wear, and home fashion. Students will learn to recognize and analyze predictive lifestyle and business trends that affect retail merchandising and marketing decisions.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A118

FASH A1193 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Introduction to Display and Visual Presentation  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Provides an opportunity to learn display and exhibit design for business and museum/gallery. Areas covered include trade show, hard-line product, themed design, space development for store planning, museum exhibition, advertising, and all aspects of visual presentation, to include: windows, point of purchase, websites, and packaging. Formerly DVP A180.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A119

FASH A1301.5 Units (18 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A180 or FASH A183.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
The student will construct a lined, tailored jacket using traditional and speed tailoring techniques; 48 basic clothing construction techniques will be featured.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A130

FASH A1352 Units (36 lecture hours; 18 lab hours)  
Design Thinking  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Design problem solving and planning through the prototyping process. The study of the design process including inspiration, ideation, and implementation of design concepts.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A135

FASH A1372 Units (36 lecture hours; 18 lab hours)  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A100 or FASH A180 or FASH A183.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Basic analysis and techniques related to fitting and altering ready-to-wear garments and commercial patterns.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A137

FASH A1452 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Fashion Reporting and Analysis  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Topics include the creation of sales reports, product line sheets, spreadsheets, formula development and analysis of sales data for a fashion company using Microsoft Excel and current software.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A145

FASH A1503 Units (36 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)  
Flat Pattern Techniques  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A100 or FASH A180 or FASH A183.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Interpretation of clothing design through the use of flat pattern techniques. Basic principles involved in designing and manipulating patterns.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A150

FASH A1552.5 Units (36 lecture hours; 27 lab hours)  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A100 or FASH A180 or FASH A183; and FASH A150; and FASH A255.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
The development of offshore technical packages. To include: garment knock-offs, pattern adjustments, appropriate fit, fabric qualities and package specifications.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A155

FASH A1703 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Clothing Design and Selection  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
An introduction to the psychology of clothing and the study of art elements and principles as they relate to dress and personal appearance. Fashion vocabulary, recognition, and description of styles, and fashion cycles and trends are emphasized.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A170

FASH A1753 Units (36 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)  
Applied Color and Design Theory  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Introduction to color and design theory and application, including line, shape, value and color. Utilization of tools, materials, and equipment to develop a visual vocabulary and technical skills applicable to interior, architectural, and fashion related fields of design. Enrollment Limitation: ID A175; students who complete FASH A175 may not enroll in or receive credit for ID A175.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A175

FASH A1773 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Fashion Merchandising Concepts  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
An introduction to the fashion merchandising industry will include vendors and products sold, as well as the various types of retail venues and the methods of merchandising apparel in each. The packaging and marketing of a product and the tracking of a fashion trends in several venues will also be included. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A177

FASH A1803 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Fundamental Principles of Clothing Construction 1  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A100.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Fundamental principles of clothing construction are studied and applied to selected problems with an emphasis on expanding knowledge in a variety of techniques. Fulfills the lower division college transfer requirement in clothing for the family and consumer sciences major.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A180

FASH A1812 Units (120 other hours)  
Fashion Internship  
Co-requisite(s): FASH A200.
Advisory: At least four fashion Core courses must be taken or the equivalent; FASH A110, FASH A115, FASH A120, FASH A121, FASH A170, FASH A177.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
A supervised internship including classroom-based learning and experience at a fashion-related work site. This 120-hour unpaid or 150-hour paid work experience course is designed to assist students to acquire career awareness, work habits, attitudes and skills for the fashion program. Credit for occupational work experience may be accrued at the rate of one to 8 units per semester for a total of sixteen units. Additionally, this course is for 2 units and students must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit earned.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A181

FASH A1833 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Fundamental Principles of Clothing Construction 2  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A100.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
An intermediate-level clothing construction class using the latest industry methods. Students will learn clothing construction techniques and complete two sewing projects.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A183

FASH A1903 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Apparel Industry Sustainability: Environmental, Ethical, & Legal Practices  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
An introduction to, and overview of, responsible business, also known as triple bottom line business, with a focus on environmental sustainability, responsible decision making, social impact, corporate social responsibility, regulatory compliance, certifications, and other emerging technologies. Students will examine current topics, concepts, trends, and rules that are driving sustainability and responsible business movements and will develop an understanding of, and a lexicon for, sustainable business practices.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A190

FASH A1912 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Sustainability & Responsibility in Fashion Design, Manufacturing and Branding  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A190.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
A look at environmental and social impacts the apparel manufacturing industry has had in the past and continues to have today. This class will explore the impacts associated with the process of developing and manufacturing apparel from fiber sourcing to warehousing, and sales to distribution. Additionally, this class will discuss innovative solutions that are in use today that counter those impacts.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A191

FASH A1922 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Research and Development for Apparel Industry Sustainability  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A190 and FASH A191.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Research, evaluate, and interpret sustainable fashion theory and current company processes. The course will review current sustainability programs companies are marketing, as well as assessing and evaluating their compliance programs. Through case and field studies you will apply knowledge and participate in the development and presentation of a brand or company that encapsulates ethical and sustainable practices.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A192

FASH A1990.5-1.5 Units (9-27 lecture hours)  
Current Issues in Fashion  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Current issues in the field of fashion, rotating through a variety of topics, such as fashion design/production, apparel construction, fashion merchandising, and costume. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. This course may be taken four times.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A199

FASH A2001 Unit (18 lecture hours)  
Fashion Internship Lecture  
Co-requisite(s): FASH A181.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Classroom-based learning includes 18 hours of company research preparation to include company culture and appropriate behavior; on-site interview skills and techniques; writing measurable learning objectives that are assessed at the end of the internship; and writing a reflective summary for each objective and developing a resource directory for employees, vendors, and services used at the field site.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A200

FASH A2103 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Intro to E-Commerce  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Study of the operations of an established E-Commerce retail business. Concepts of merchandising include buying, pricing, stock control, credit, credit control, omnichannel strategies, logistics, layout, customer service, marketing, and analytical software. Emphasis is on the creation and management of an E-Commerce store. Enrollment Limitation: MKTG A200; students who complete FASH A210 may not enroll in or receive credit for MKTG A200.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A210

FASH A2153 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Retail E-Commerce Merchandising  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Study of E-commerce Merchandising strategies. Concepts to include advanced: E-commerce site merchandising strategies, working with cross-functional partners, key performance indicators, data analytics, and product catalog management.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A215

FASH A2203 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Retail Buying  
Advisory: MATH A010 or BUS A125.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
A study of the principles and techniques of buying for retail organizations, including merchandise selection, planning, control, and use and interpretation of merchandise management reports. Enrollment Limitation: MKTG A220; students who complete FASH A220 may not enroll in or receive credit for MKTG A220.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A220

FASH A2253 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Media, Events, and Promotions  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A177.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Principles of fashion promotion and events coordination. Analysis of social media marketing related to the fashion industry. The course will include techniques and procedures for presenting fashion according to retail venue, target customer, type of merchandise, and type of theme, media, or event.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A225

FASH A2332 Units (36 lecture hours; 18 lab hours)  
Couture Techniques  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A180 or FASH A183.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Instruction and practice in techniques used to create couture and custom garments. Techniques of handling special and difficult fabrics, leather and furs. Features fine finishing details. Requires construction of one couture garment.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A233

FASH A2352 Units (36 lecture hours; 18 lab hours)  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A180 or FASH A183.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
The creative design of garments through draping techniques emphasizing fabric manipulation and design creation.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A235

FASH A2563 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Fashion Illustrating Techniques 2  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A255.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Use current computer software to design and refine fashion garment proportions, textile textures and shapes, and garment construction elements to gain a clear understanding of design standards in the fashion industry.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A256

FASH A2603 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Fashion Design/Production Process  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A180 or FASH A183 and FASH A150 and FASH A155 and FASH A255.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course guides students through the design and production process, spanning from initial ideation to the final product's realization. Participants will gain an understanding of the sequential design phases, encompassing conceptualization, costing, production methodologies, and assembly techniques, culminating in the creation of a tangible product.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A260

FASH A2632 Units (18 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)  
3D Clothing Design  
Prerequisite(s): FASH A255.
Advisory: FASH A100 and FASH A150.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This introductory course will teach students to create fashion garments in a 3D environment using avatars and CLO 3D software. Students will develop patterns, simulate sewing, add fabrics and trims, and conduct fittings to produce original designs using the 2D and 3D platforms.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A263

FASH A2662 Units (36 lecture hours; 18 lab hours)  
Computerized Pattern System  
Advisory: FASH A110 and FASH A150.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
An introductory course on the operation of the current computer-assisted pattern-making software package, including the 3-D format. System management, digitizing, plotting, marker-making, pattern development, library structures of pattern data, development of pattern blocks, pattern design, grading, and drafting system features/functions will be covered.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing FASH A266