Academic Catalogs

English (ENGL)

ENGL A001N18 Hours (18 lecture hours)  
Grammar Within Reach - Noncredit  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit, Letter Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course takes community members and college students through a review of grammar fundamentals and provides an opportunity to practice precise grammar and varied sentence styles that are immediately applicable to writing for the workplace and everyday life and for writing in college classes. This noncredit course is an optional support course; it is not a prerequisite for any other English course. This course can be paired with another English noncredit course for a certificate of competency. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress or Noncredit Letter Grade. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ENGL A001N

ENGL A002N18 Hours (18 lecture hours)  
Reading for Success - Noncredit  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit, Letter Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit Course supports students and community members in practicing fundamental reading and study strategies necessary for college success and success in the workplace and community at larger by practicing strategies including annotating and summarizing texts, finding the main idea and identifying supporting details, identifying the larger organizational strategy and stylistic devices used to support the claims and main points in a text. This noncredit course is an optional support course; it is not a prerequisite for any other English course. This noncredit course can be paired with another English noncredit course for a certificate of competency. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress or Noncredit Letter Grade. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ENGL A002N

ENGL A003N18 Hours (18 lecture hours)  
Perfecting Paragraphs - Noncredit  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit, Letter Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This non-credit course takes students through the process of creating cohesive, organized, college-level paragraphs and essay sections in building essays for a variety of purposes and to be used for writing across many disciplines. This noncredit course is an optional support course; it is not a prerequisite for any other English course. This noncredit course can be paired with another English noncredit course for a certificate of competency. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress or Noncredit Letter Grade. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ENGL A003N

ENGL A004N18 Hours (18 lecture hours)  
Building A College Essay - Noncredit  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit, Letter Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course will take students through the process of building a single, focused college essay--from the planning and outlining stage, to creating a thesis or claim, to gathering support and evidence and integrating source material, then formatting per MLA guidelines. This noncredit course is an optional support course; it is not a prerequisite for any other English course. This noncredit course can be paired with another English noncredit course for a certificate of competency. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress or Noncredit Letter Grade. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ENGL A004N

ENGL A006N1-6 Hours (1-6 lecture hours)  
Support Skills for English Composition  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit, Letter Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course will help students build various skills required in their English composition courses. These skills include sentence grammar, sentence fluency, paragraph and essay structure, reading comprehension, source integration, and research writing. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress or Noncredit Letter Grade. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

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ENGL A010N10-36 Hours (10-36 lecture hours)  
Fundamentals of Analyzing Literature  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This regular noncredit course is for lifelong learners who want to enjoy the benefits of engaging in an exploration of different types of literature. Participants will become more avid, savvy readers of fiction by practicing close reading to understand texts. Through classroom readings, lecture, and discussion, students will understand the dynamics of fiction and how it applies to their lives. Fiction reveals relationships between people and people's relationships to the world. Fiction often gives a clearer view of its times than contemporary news reports of history. Students learn what to look for in reading. Students gain pleasure and confidence in literary judgment with every page read. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ENGL A010N

ENGL A011N54 Hours (54 lecture hours)  
Literary Magazine Skills for Writers for Lifelong Learners  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This class teaches students the basic skills necessary for producing a literary magazine. Students will learn elements of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction and will have opportunities to participate in different aspects of the production experience such as soliciting submissions, critically reading submissions, copy editing, and/or production. Students will develop foundational critical reading, writing, and editorial skills for taking on greater editorial and production responsibilities in the future. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ENGL A011N