Academic Catalogs

Music (MUS)

MUS A001N36 Hours (36 lab hours)  
Guitar Ensemble for Lifelong Learners  
Advisory: Able to sight read standard musical notation on the guitar; Must provide own acoustic guitar.
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
Designed for guitarists who read standard musical notation. Rehearsal and performance of guitar ensemble literature from Renaissance to the present including music of the Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Modern eras. Students in this class will present a public concert with guest artists. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS A001N

MUS A002N72 Hours (72 lab hours)  
Wind Ensemble for Lifelong Learners  
Advisory: Instructor approval; Must be able to sight read standard musical notation on one's instrument; Must provide own instrument.
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
Open to experienced performers on brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Rehearsal and performance of music from standard symphonic and wind ensemble literature. Regularly scheduled concerts. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS A002N

MUS A003N54 Hours (54 lab hours)  
OCC Symphony for Lifelong Learners  
Advisory: Eligibility based on successful audition; Prior instrumental experience; ability to read music; instructor approval.
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
Rehearsal and performance of music from the standard symphonic orchestral literature. Open to advanced performers of string, brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Regularly scheduled public concerts during the school year. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS A003N

MUS A010N10-20 Hours (10-20 lecture hours)  
Beginning Keyboard for Lifelong Learning NC  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This regular noncredit course incorporates lecture and hands-on instruction to teach the beginning older adult piano student basic orientation of the instrument, notes, and rhythm. Older adults will experience the therapeutic value of playing an instrument and expanding their knowledge of musical elements, resulting in improved physical and emotional well-being. Students will have the opportunity to play in class. An electronic keyboard or piano at home is recommended. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS A010N

MUS A011N9-36 Hours (9-36 lecture hours)  
Music Appreciation for Lifelong Learning NC  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This regular noncredit course is designed to provide a forum for life long learners to be exposed to a variety of forms of music. Styles and genres will be selected by the instructor with input from class participant. Mental, emotional, and social wellness will benefit from the enjoyment, discussion and association of musical examples. Memories will be shared related to the importance of music in one's life. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS A011N

MUS A012N9-36 Hours (9-36 lecture hours)  
Group Singing for Lifelong Learning NC  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This regular noncredit course is for lifelong learners who want to sing! Students will work on songs in unison and in parts, interpreting the meaning of vocal music. Emotional communication through song will be explored as students learn to how tone, pitch, and dynamics shape vocal expression. Students benefit from breathing and stretching exercises to develop vocal flexibility and lung capacity. Students also increase mental acuity through the memorization of musical numbers and sight music reading skills. This class develops self-confidence, socialization skills, and provides an outlet for creative expression. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS A012N

MUS A015N54 Hours (27 lecture hours; 27 lab hours)  
Intermediate Orchestra for Lifelong Learners  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
Group is wide open to the adult community, no audition necessary. Intermediate instruction on a selected band or orchestral instrument, including a concert around the 10th week and a Final Performance the 16th week. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS A015N