Allied Health (ALH)
ALH A0100.5 Units (16 lecture hours)
Health Occupations
Grading Mode: Pass/No Pass
Not Transferable.
Introduction to the allied health careers and programs at Orange Coast College including presentations of each allied health program and School of Allied Health Professions application. Required for admission to most allied health programs. This course may also be offered online. Offered on a pass-no pass basis only.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ALH A010
- Allied Health (ALH)
- Cardiovascular Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Dental Assisting - Registered, Associate in Science Degree
- Dental Assisting - Registered, Certificate of Achievement
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Associate in Science Degree
- Electrocardiography Technician, Certificate of Achievement
- Imaging Assistant, Certificate of Achievement
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Associate in Science Degree
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Certificate of Achievement
- Neurodiagnostic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Associate in Science Degree
- Orange Coast: CCMA Eligible Program Requirements
- Orange Coast: Dental Assisting - Registered Requirements
- Orange Coast: Electrocardiography Technician Requirements
- Orange Coast: Speech Language Pathology Assistant AS Sequence
- Orange Coast: Speech-Language Pathology Assistant AS Requirements
- Polysomnographic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Radiologic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Respiratory Care, Associate in Science Degree
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Associate in Science Degree
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Associate in Science Degree
ALH A0120.5 Units (9 lecture hours)
Health Occupations for Dental and Medical Assisting
Grading Mode: Pass/No Pass
Not Transferable.
Introduction to the Dental Assisting and Medical Assisting programs at Orange Coast College. Presentations of Dental Assisting and Medical Assitsing allied health program and School of Allied Health Professions application. This course will only address Dental Assisting and Medical Assisting. Required for admission to those allied health programs. This course may be offered hybrid. Offered on a pass-no pass basis only. Dental assisting and Medical Assisting. Will also accept ALH 010 in place of this course.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ALH A012
- Allied Health (ALH)
- Dental Assisting - Registered, Associate in Science Degree
- Dental Assisting - Registered, Certificate of Achievement
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Associate in Science Degree
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Certificate of Achievement
- Orange Coast: CCMA Eligible Program Requirements
- Orange Coast: Dental Assisting - Registered Requirements
ALH A1113 Units (54 lecture hours)
Medical Terminology
Advisory: BIOL A221.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Development of a medical vocabulary emphasizing building of terms utilizing prefixes, combining forms and suffixes. Includes symptomatic, therapeutic, diagnostic, operative and related diagnostic testing terms. Students learn the meaning and spelling of medical terms with application of terms to comprehend medical record documents. This course may also be offered online. Enrollment Limitation: KIN A102; students who complete ALH A111 may not enroll in or receive credit for KIN A102.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ALH A111
- Allied Health (ALH)
- Athletic Training Level 2, Certificate of Achievement
- Cardiovascular Technology
- Cardiovascular Technology (CVT)
- Cardiovascular Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Dental Assisting
- Dental Assisting (DA)
- Dental Assisting - Registered, Associate in Science Degree
- Dental Assisting - Registered, Certificate of Achievement
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Associate in Science Degree
- Electrocardiography Technician, Certificate of Achievement
- Imaging Assistant, Certificate of Achievement
- Integrative Health (INHL)
- Kinesiology
- Kinesiology
- Kinesiology (KIN)
- Medical Assisting
- Medical Assisting (MA)
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Associate in Science Degree
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Certificate of Achievement
- Neurodiagnostic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Associate in Science Degree
- Orange Coast: CCMA Eligible Program Requirements
- Orange Coast: Dental Assisting - Registered Requirements
- Orange Coast: Electrocardiography Technician Requirements
- Orange Coast: Speech Language Pathology Assistant AS Sequence
- Orange Coast: Speech-Language Pathology Assistant AS Requirements
- Polysomnographic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Polysomnography, Certificate of Achievement
- Radiologic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Respiratory Care, Associate in Science Degree
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Associate in Science Degree
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Associate in Science Degree
ALH A1122 Units (36 lecture hours)
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders and Applied Behavioral Analysis
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course will provide an overview of the foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorder in children, Applied Behavioral Analysis treatment, and evidence-based intervention for treatment. This will include collecting Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence ABC data, and learning operations to increase/strengthen behavior and weaken/decrease behavior. Enrollment Limitation: CDE A112/SLPA A112; students who complete ALH A112 may not enroll in or receive credit for CDE A112 or SLPA A112.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ALH A112
- Allied Health (ALH)
- Child Development & Education (CDE)
- Child Development and Education
- Orange Coast: Working with Exceptional Children Specialization CoA
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
- Speech/Language Path Assist (SLPA)
- Working with Exceptional Children Specialization, Certificate of Achievement
ALH A1152 Units (27 lecture hours; 27 lab hours)
Patient Care
Advisory: Non-native speakers must complete ESL A051 (exemption based on assessment results).
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course must be taken within six months prior to first clinical entry. Content orients students to the fundamentals of patient care and presents foundational elements essential to healthcare professionals practicing in a clinical setting including communication, assessment of vital signs, medical asepsis, body mechanics for lifting and moving patients, legal & ethical issues, finance, review of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, presentation of common medical emergencies and basic interventions, introduction to oxygen cylinders and devices, airway suctioning, aspects of death and dying, and the future of healthcare. Mandatory pre-clinical HIPAA, blood-borne pathogen, and hazardous materials training and documentation completed.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ALH A115
- Advanced Clinical Practice, Certificate of Specialization
- Allied Health (ALH)
- Cardiovascular Technology
- Cardiovascular Technology (CVT)
- Cardiovascular Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Associate in Science Degree
- Electrocardiography Technician, Certificate of Achievement
- Imaging Assistant, Certificate of Achievement
- Integrative Health (INHL)
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Associate in Science Degree
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Certificate of Achievement
- Neurodiagnostic Technology
- Neurodiagnostic Technology (NDT)
- Neurodiagnostic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Nutrition and Dietetics Technician, Associate in Science Degree
- Orange Coast: CCMA Eligible Program Requirements
- Orange Coast: Electrocardiography Technician Requirements
- Orange Coast: Speech Language Pathology Assistant AS Sequence
- Orange Coast: Speech-Language Pathology Assistant AS Requirements
- Polysomnographic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Radiologic Technology
- Radiologic Technology (RADT)
- Radiologic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Respiratory Care, Associate in Science Degree
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Associate in Science Degree
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Associate in Science Degree
ALH A1202 Units (36 lecture hours)
Human Diseases
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
The study of disease processes and diseases affecting each body system. Includes etiology, pathophysiological mechanisms, methods of diagnosis, manifestations, and treatment of each disease. Recent completion of human anatomy and physiology is recommended before attempting this class.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ALH A120
- Allied Health (ALH)
- Cardiovascular Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Associate in Science Degree
- Electrocardiography Technician, Certificate of Achievement
- Integrative Health (INHL)
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Associate in Science Degree
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Certificate of Achievement
- Neurodiagnostic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Orange Coast: CCMA Eligible Program Requirements
- Orange Coast: Electrocardiography Technician Requirements
- Orange Coast: Speech Language Pathology Assistant AS Sequence
- Orange Coast: Speech-Language Pathology Assistant AS Requirements
- Polysomnographic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Radiologic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Respiratory Care, Associate in Science Degree
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Associate in Science Degree
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant, Associate in Science Degree
ALH A1303 Units (54 lecture hours)
Applied Pharmacology
Advisory: BIOL A221.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Basic principles of pharmacology; drug classifications; methods and routes of administration; legal aspects of drug administration; pharmacokinetics: action, indication, contraindication, hazards, metabolism, and excretion. Use of drugs in the treatment of various disease processes and body systems.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing ALH A130
- Allied Health (ALH)
- Associate in Arts General Education 2024-2025: Option 1 (Orange Coast College General Education)
- Medical Assisting CCMA Eligible Program, Certificate of Achievement
- Neurodiagnostic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Polysomnographic Technology, Associate in Science Degree
- Respiratory Care, Associate in Science Degree
ALH A1990.5 Units (9 lecture hours)
Current Issues in Allied Health
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course deals with current issues in the allied health profession. Topics vary. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.