Academic Catalogs

Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN A1605 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Spanish for Heritage Speakers 1  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN A185 or SPAN A185H or 3 years of high school Spanish or equivalent.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is designed for students whose primary experience with Spanish has been with their family and/or community, and who have had little to no exposure to Spanish in an academic setting. Course instruction builds upon the students’ existing linguistic skills as well as their cultural heritage and knowledge. Students will improve their proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing, and develop a heightened awareness of the diversity of Hispanic cultures, as manifested in Spanish-speaking countries and in the United States. This course is conducted in Spanish. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 220.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A160

SPAN A1655 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Spanish for Heritage Speakers 2  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN A160 or 4 years of High School Spanish with a minimum grade of 'C' or better.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is a continuation of Spanish 160. It is designed for students whose primary experience with Spanish has been with their family and/or community, and who have had limited exposure to Spanish in an academic setting. Course instruction builds upon the students’ existing linguistic skills as well as their cultural heritage and knowledge. Students will improve their proficiency in speaking, listening, reading and writing, and develop a heightened awareness of the diversity of Hispanic cultures, as manifested in Spanish-speaking countries and in the United States. This course is conducted in Spanish. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 230.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A165

SPAN A1805 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Elementary Spanish 1  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
The focus is on development of elementary proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish, with an introduction to cultures related to the Spanish language. This course is equivalent to two years of high school Spanish. Enrollment Limitation: SPAN A180H; students who complete SPAN A180 may not enroll in or receive credit for SPAN A180H. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 100.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A180

SPAN A180H5 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Elementary Spanish 1 Honors  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
The focus is on development of elementary proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Spanish, with an introduction to cultures related to the Spanish language. This course is equivalent to two years of high school Spanish. Enrollment Limitation: SPAN A180; students who complete SPAN A180H may not enroll in or receive credit for SPAN A180. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 100.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A180H

SPAN A1855 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Elementary Spanish 2  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN A180 or SPAN A180H or completion of two years of high school Spanish with a grade of 'C' or better.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Continuation of SPAN A180, with further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency, and additional exploration of cultures related to the Spanish language. This course is equivalent to three years of high school Spanish. Enrollment Limitation: SPAN A185H; students who complete SPAN A185 may not enroll in or receive credit for SPAN A185H. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 110.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A185

SPAN A185H5 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Elementary Spanish 2 Honors  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN A180 or SPAN A180H or completion of two years of high school Spanish with a grade of 'C' or better.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Continuation of SPAN A180H, with further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency, and additional exploration of cultures related to the Spanish language. This course is equivalent to three years of high school Spanish. Enrollment Limitation: SPAN A185; students who complete SPAN A185H may not enroll in or receive credit for SPAN A185. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 110.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A185H

SPAN A1992-5 Units (36-90 lecture hours)  
Current Topics in Spanish  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency in Spanish. Extensive exposure to cultures related to the Spanish language through authentic materials and group discussions on a variety of topics ranging from current events to global issues. Emphasis on cross-cultural understanding. This course may also be offered online. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A199

SPAN A2805 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Intermediate Spanish 1  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN A185 or SPAN A185H or completion of three years of high school Spanish with a grade of 'C' or better.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Continuation of SPAN A185, with further development of language skills at the intermediate level and exploration of cultures related to the Spanish language. Additional emphasis on reading and writing, with an introduction to selected literary works. Enrollment Limitation: SPAN A280H; students who complete SPAN A280 may not enroll in or receive credit for SPAN A280H. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 200.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A280

SPAN A280H5 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Intermediate Spanish 1 Honors  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN A185 or SPAN A185H or completion of three years of high school Spanish with a grade of 'C' or better.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Continuation of SPAN A185, with further development of language skills at the intermediate level and exploration of cultures related to the Spanish language. Additional emphasis on reading and writing, with an introduction to selected literary works. Enrollment Limitation: SPAN A280; students who complete SPAN A280H may not enroll in or receive credit for SPAN A280. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 200.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A280H

SPAN A2855 Units (90 lecture hours)  
Intermediate Spanish 2  
Prerequisite(s): SPAN A280 or SPAN A280H or completion of four years of high school Spanish with a grade of 'C' or better.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Continuation of SPAN A280, with further refinement of language skills at the intermediate level and investigation of cultures related to the Spanish language in preparation for higher level specialized work. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. C-ID: SPAN 210.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing SPAN A285