Credit Courses
BIOL G1004 Units (54 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)
Introduction to Biology
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
This course emphasizes basic concepts of biology for non-science majors. Unifying concepts to be covered include: cell biology, animal and plant physiology, genetics, evolution, and ecology.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G100
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Child and Adolescent Development, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- Child and Adolescent Development, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- Elementary Teacher Education, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- GWC: CLEP, IB, AP credit
- GWC: Child Adolescent Development Program Sequence
- GWC: Child and Adolescent Development AAT requirements
- Geography, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- Kinesiology, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Computer Science and Technology, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Studies for Elementary Education, Associate in Arts Degree
- Nursing-Registered Nurse, Associate in Science Degree
- Pre-Health Science, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Occupational Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physical Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physician Assistant, Certificate of Achievement
- Psychology, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- Transfer Planning
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G1013 Units (54 lecture hours)
The Biology of Food and Cooking
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is a lecture-only course covering the foundational biological concepts with an emphasis on the biochemistry of common food macromolecules, the consequences of cooking techniques on these macromolecules, carbohydrate metabolism, and the impacts of genetic engineering and modern agriculture on ecosystems and food security. In this class we will use in-class demonstrations, small group activities, and “kitchen experiments” (out-of-class assignments) to learn the scientific method and practice critical thinking skills.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G101
BIOL G1043 Units (54 lecture hours)
Marine Life
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course examines the marine environment, interaction of species, populations and communities, including geology of ocean basins, physical and chemical characteristics of the ocean basins. A survey of marine plants and animals through invertebrates, fish, reptiles, birds and mammals. The renewable and nonrenewable resources from the ocean realm. The influence of humans on the health of the environment. Current issues including the concepts of global warming, types of pollution and the consequences thereof, greenhouse effects, and fisheries management.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G104
BIOL G104L1 Unit (54 lab hours)
Marine Life Laboratory
Prerequisite(s): BIOL G104 or concurrent enrollment.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course explores the basic principles of the life sciences taking its examples from the sea. The ecological relationship between humans and the sea is emphasized. This course is designed for non-science majors and is recommended to meet the general education breadth requirements, or the natural science requirement with BIOL G104.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G104L
BIOL G1103 Units (36 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)
Ecology and Field Biology
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is an introduction to the science of the environment with an emphasis on the natural environment, ecological processes, and the roles that humans assume as they change the environment and ecology of the areas from which resources are taken. Topics include ecological principles, biodiversity, climate change, renewable and non-renewable energy, water resources, pollution, and the role of science in finding sustainable solutions. This course includes field trips in Southern California.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G110
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Environmental Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Environmental Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- GWC: Environmental Science AST requirements
- GWC: Environmental Science AST sequence
- Global Studies, Certificate of Achievement
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G1203 Units (36 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)
Health and Disease
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is an introduction to the study of human anatomy and physiology with a comprehensive study of diseases which affect humans. Diseases will be studied from historical and contemporary points of view, with particular references to causes, means of transmission, and normal and abnormal functioning of the body.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G120
BIOL G1603 Units (54 lecture hours)
Physiology and Disease Mechanisms
Advisory: BIOL G225.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course will discuss and utilize the principles of physiology to analyze the symptoms and signs of disease. Emphasis is given to cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal diseases although all body systems are discussed. Intended for students in or aspiring to various health professions including nursing.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G160
BIOL G1805 Units (72 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)
Cell and Molecular Biology
Advisory: ENGL G090 or ENGL G099.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Formerly: Principles of Biology.
This course is designed as the first in a three-course sequence for students desiring to major in biology. The topics to be covered in this course are among those which serve to unify the science of biology. Included in these concepts are: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure, function and homeostasis, cell reproduction and metabolism, cell communication, classical and molecular genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, and evolution.
C-ID: BIOL 190, BIOL 135S.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G180
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Computer Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Environmental Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Environmental Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- GWC: Environmental Science AST requirements
- GWC: Environmental Science AST sequence
- General Biology, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- Public Health Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G1824 Units (36 lecture hours; 108 lab hours)
Prerequisite(s): Course taught at the level of intermediate algebra or appropriate math placement.
Advisory: BIOL G180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Formerly: BIOL G185 – Principles of Zoology.
This course provides students with a broad foundation of kingdom Animalia and animal-like protists. It focuses on ecological, evolutionary, anatomical and physiological relationships among major animal taxa. Topics include embryology, body plans, life strategies, general characteristics, reproductive modes, and life cycles of each of the major animal phyla. This course provides a solid background in animal science for those students preparing to transfer to a four-year institution or professional school (dental, pharmacy, or optometrist schools, for example). The laboratory portion of this course emphasizes hands-on learning using dissection, models, slides, charts, living specimens and non-living specimens. Students will gain experience in using compound light microscopes and dissecting microscopes to study protists, animal tissues, and body plans of appropriately sized animals.
C-ID: BIOL 150.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G182
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- General Biology, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- Pre-Physical Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physician Assistant, Certificate of Achievement
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G1834 Units (54 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)
Prerequisite(s): Course taught at the level of intermediate algebra or appropriate math placement.
Advisory: BIOL G180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Formerly: BIOL G190 – General Botany.
This course is designed to satisfy the major requirements for an Associate or Baccalaureate degree in the Biological Sciences. BIOL G183 complements BIOL G180 and G182 as the third of three in a sequence of survey courses. Topics include: fundamentals of chemistry and biochemistry; cytology, with an emphasis on plant cytology; fundamentals of biological energy: catalysis, cellular respiration and photosynthesis; Mendelian and molecular genetics; ethnobotany; evolution and speciation; plant, population, and community ecology; systematics and taxonomy, with light surveys of (taxonomic) Kingdoms Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Fungi, and Protista - emphasis is on Kingdom Plantae: plant histology, anatomy, physiology, morphology and diversity; and principles of plant culture (cultivation).
C-ID: BIOL 155.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G183
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- General Biology, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G1865 Units (54 lecture hours; 108 lab hours)
Diversity of Organisms
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is a survey of extant living organisms including physiological and anatomical adaptations of
organisms in response to their environment. Each kingdom is examined, with an emphasis on evolution
and ecology of organisms found in kingdoms Plantae and Animalia. Included in this survey is an
introduction to scientific methodology including student-centered experimental design, execution, and
subsequent analysis of data.
C-ID: BIOL 140, BIOL 135S.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G186
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Computer Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Environmental Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Environmental Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- GWC: Environmental Science AST requirements
- GWC: Environmental Science AST sequence
- General Biology, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G2003 Units (54 lecture hours)
Pharmacology - Medications and Drugs
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course covers the classification of medications and basic principles of pharmacology from legislation and pharmacokinetics through receptor theory, pharmacodynamics and pharmacotherapeutics. Medications will be grouped by body systems and treatment options will be related to the pathophysiological state of the patient. Drug groups are discussed rather than individual medications, with emphasis on autonomic, central nervous system, and cardiovascular agents. Drugs affecting all body systems will be discussed.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G200
BIOL G2051,2 Units (54, 108 lab hours)
Biology Laboratory Learning Skills
Prerequisite(s): Instructor permission.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This is a course in which students will help peers in lab sections of Biology classes. After successfully completing a lab course, students will assist lab instructors by monitoring lab safety, clarifying lab skills and techniques, and explaining experiments that are presented. Students will prepare and present one or more oral and/or written presentations of topics not covered in lecture. This course is recommended for students interested in teaching science.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G205
BIOL G2105 Units (54 lecture hours; 108 lab hours)
General Microbiology
Advisory: Eligible for college level English and Math.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course discusses major concepts of general microbiology, including prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell types, structural organization of cells, cellular metabolism, regulation of metabolism, genetics, host-parasite relationships, microorganisms in human health and disease, immunology and serology, recombinant DNA technology, growth of microbial cells, and controlling growth by chemical and physical means. Bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and viruses are studied. Laboratory skills include microscopy, staining techniques cultivation techniques, and aseptic techniques.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G210
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- LVN 30 Unit Option, Certificate of Achievement
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- Nursing
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nursing-LVN to RN, Associate in Science Degree
- Nursing-Registered Nurse, Associate in Science Degree
- Pre-Health Science, Certificate of Achievement
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G2191 Unit (18 lecture hours)
Human Anatomy Discussion
Co-requisite(s): BIOL G220.
Grading Mode: Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This discussion course affords students enrolled in BIOL G220, Human Anatomy, the opportunity to develop background information, problem solving, extend discussion and exchange ideas concerning human structure. Discussion focuses on anatomical components and other key topics covered in BIOL G220 as well as background information not generally covered in lecture. Designed to help students succeed in their study of human anatomy.
Pass/No Pass.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G219
BIOL G2204 Units (36 lecture hours; 108 lab hours)
Human Anatomy
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Formerly: BIOL G170.
A course in basic human anatomy, covering the major body systems and including topics of both gross and microstructure of the organ systems. Designed for paramedical biology majors (nursing, x-ray technicians, physician's assistant, chiropractic, dental hygiene, pharmacy) and physical education majors. Will not satisfy transfer requirements for Biological Science majors.
C-ID: BIOL 110B.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G220
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Anthropology, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Dance, Associate in Arts Degree
- Kinesiology, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- LVN 30 Unit Option, Certificate of Achievement
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- Nursing
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nursing-LVN to RN, Associate in Science Degree
- Nursing-Registered Nurse, Associate in Science Degree
- Pre-Health Science, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Occupational Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physical Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physician Assistant, Certificate of Achievement
- Public Health Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Social Work and Human Services, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G2214 Units (54 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Formerly: BIOL G155.
This course describes and relates the elements of human structure and function. Topics explored are the body system, cell structure and function, the maintenance of physiological balance and equilibrium (e.g., fluid and electrolytes, blood pressure, acid-base levels), and the physiology of nutrition and exercise. Designed for nonscience majors.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G221
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- Nursing-Registered Nurse, Associate in Science Degree
- Pre-Health Science, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Occupational Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physical Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physician Assistant, Certificate of Achievement
- Social Work and Human Services, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
BIOL G2254 Units (54 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)
Human Physiology
Advisory: Eligible for college level English and Math.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is an introduction to the physiological function of the basic systems of the human body. Designed for paramedical biology majors (nursing, x-ray technicians, dental hygiene, physical therapy, etc.) and physical education majors. Will not satisfy transfer requirements for biology majors.
C-ID: BIOL 120B.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing BIOL G225
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Biology
- Biology (BIOL)
- Kinesiology, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- LVN 30 Unit Option, Certificate of Achievement
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree
- Nursing
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nursing-LVN to RN, Associate in Science Degree
- Nursing-Registered Nurse, Associate in Science Degree
- Pre-Health Science, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Occupational Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physical Therapy, Certificate of Achievement
- Pre-Physician Assistant, Certificate of Achievement
- Public Health Science, Associate in Science Degree for Transfer
- Social Work and Human Services, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement