Academic Catalogs


ASSIST (Articulation System Stimulating Interinstitutional Student Transfer) is a web-based student transfer information system which contains data about how courses taken at California community colleges can be applied when transferring to a University of California or California State University campus. ASSIST has been designated as the official repository of articulation for California’s public colleges and universities, and therefore provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available.

It includes information such as:

UC Transferable Courses - courses from California community colleges that transfer to any University of California campus.

CSU Transferable Courses - courses from California community colleges that transfer to any California State University campus.

CSU General Education Breadth Courses - courses from California community colleges that can be used to satisfy CSU General Education Breadth requirements.

IGETC (intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) Courses - courses from California community colleges that can be used to satisfy IGETC requirements.

Articulation Agreements - these agreements between a particular California community college and a four-year institution identify comparable lower-division courses between the two institutions. These agreements are designed to help students prepare for transfer into a particular major at a specific institution.

ASSIST can be accessed at