Academic Catalogs


The School of Photography at Orange ​​Coast College is widely considered one of the finest photography and digital imaging programs in the United States. Our program is designed to provide expert instruction with superior facilities and equipment for anyone pursuing a career in photography or wishing to enhance their photographic skills.

The mission of the School of Photography at Orange Coast College is to provide students who have an interest in photography—whether beginner, advanced amateur, or professional—with a single class, a course of study leading to transfer, or a vocational certificate program. Students can pursue their individual interests in photography through an array of foundational courses while establishing a technical and critical understanding of visual language. These courses lead to improved personal creative expression or to specialized instruction in numerous areas within the profession, such as advertising illustration, architectural photography, fashion photography, portraiture, or photography as fine art.

We are committed to a broadly defined concept of visual communication and visual literacy and are nationally recognized for the excellence of our instruction and the success of our graduates.

Department Contact Information

Leslie McCall

Photography Department Website

Credit Courses

PHOT A1002 Units (36 lecture hours; 18 lab hours)  
Basic Digital Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Designed to help the photo enthusiast increase their visual literacy, increase knowledge of the historic use of photographs in all aspects of society, and to take better pictures. A practical foundation in the use of digital cameras will be introduced, including exposure, composition, lighting, color, as well as, current methodology of image processing. A strong foundation of the historic context of photographs will be provided as a way of students learning to develop their ability to communicate through their images and to place them in context, to analyze, and evaluate photographs. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A100

PHOT A1013 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Photography and Society  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Lecture/discussion class that explores how photographs function in society, and, in turn, how society determines our visual environment. Images will be analyzed in context of the total photographic milieu: news, advertising, snapshots, art, the internet, TV, etc. How photographs function as evidence, demonstrations of desire, historical memory, cultural values, propaganda, and surveillance will be examined. The manufacturing of personal identity and cultural history through photographic artifacts will be emphasized. Fulfills “100” elective course requirement for Photography Certificate of Achievement. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A101

PHOT A1021 Unit (18 lecture hours)  
Careers in Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Introduction to careers in photography and the Photography program at Orange Coast College. Recommended to anyone interested in pursing photography as a career goal. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A102

PHOT A1042 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Smartphone Landscape and Nature Photography  
Grading Mode: Pass/No Pass, Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Smartphone Landscape and Nature photography is a course introducing photography concepts, landscape concepts and camera features unique to smartphone photography. The course focuses on lighting, composition, current trends, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, information resources, and smartphone capabilities. Students will plan and produce their own projects. Each student will provide their own smartphone. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A104

PHOT A1062 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Smartphone Portrait Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Smartphone portrait photography is a course introducing photography concepts, portrait concepts, lighting and posing as well as camera features unique to smartphone photography. The course focuses on demonstrations, discussions, critiques, information resources, lighting, portrait trends and smartphone capabilities. Students will plan and produce their own portrait projects. Each student will provide their own smartphone. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A106

PHOT A1072 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Smartphone Street Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Smartphone street photography is a course introducing photography concepts, street lighting, visual communication skills, documentary, visual story telling, as well as camera features unique to smartphone photography. The course focuses on demonstrations, discussions, information resources, lighting and current photography trends. Students will plan and produce their own street photography photo projects. Each student will provide their own smartphone. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A107

PHOT A1082 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Smartphone Food Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Smartphone food photography is a course introducing photography concepts, food styling concepts and camera features unique to smartphone photography. The course focuses on demonstrations, discussions, information resources, lighting and current food photography trends. Students will plan and produce their own food photography photo projects. Each student will provide their own smartphone. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A108

PHOT A1092 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Smartphone Fashion Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Smartphone fashion photography is a course introducing photography concepts, fashion concepts and camera features unique to smartphone photography. The course focuses on demonstrations, discussions, critiques, information resources, lighting, fashion trends and smartphone capabilities. Students will plan and produce their own projects. Each student will provide their own smartphone. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A109

PHOT A1103 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Photography with a Smartphone: Theory and Practice  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC: Credit Limitation: PHOT A110 and PHOT A123 combined: maximum credit, 1 course.
This course explores the historical development of photography with a focus on important figures and their work. It is also the study of photography as art and aesthetic experience. In addition to the historical context, students will learn to use their smartphones as sophisticated cameras as well as digital editing techniques in order to enhance their ability to create, compose and evaluate photographs. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A110

PHOT A1112 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Smartphone Product Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Smartphone product photography is a course introducing photography concepts, product and still-life concepts and camera features unique to smartphone photography. The course focuses on Lighting, propping and sets, composition, demonstrations, discussions, critiques, information resources, product photography trends and smartphone capabilities. Students will plan and produce their own projects. Each student will provide their own smartphone. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A111

PHOT A1203 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Introduction to Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Introduction to analog photography as a creative art with an emphasis on using the camera as a means of communication and personal expression. Topics include, the discussion and demonstration of basic black & white 35mm photography; camera use, film processing and making enlargements; the development of technical and aesthetic skills and elements of design and composition. Emphasis is placed on the historical development of photography and its use as a means of communication and personal expression as well as and on the critical evaluation of student work. Enrollment Limitation: PHOT A120H; students who complete PHOT A120 may not enroll in or receive credit for PHOT A120H. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A120

PHOT A120H3 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Introduction to Photography Honors  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Introduction to the processes, principles, and tools of photography. Topics include the development of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology, materials and equipment, and contemporary trends in photography. Discussion and demonstration of basic black & white 35mm photography. Instructions in the theory and technique of camera use, processing film, and making enlargements. Emphasis on the historical development of photography and its use as a means of communication, personal expression and on the critical evaluation of student work. Enrollment Limitation: PHOT A120; students who complete PHOT A120H may not enroll in or receive credit for PHOT A120. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. Lecture/Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A120H

PHOT A1223 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Personal Expression  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Through making photographs, this class explores the development of ideas, and an individual point of view. Discussion of aesthetics and current trends in photography. Students may work with analog or digital media. Fulfills "100" level elective course requirement for Photography Certificate of Achievement. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A122

PHOT A1233 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Introduction to Digital Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC: Credit Limitation: PHOT A110 and PHOT A123 combined: maximum credit, 1 course.
Instruction in photography as a creative art, emphasizing photography as a means of communication and personal expression. Includes examination of the theory of aesthetics, composition, content, and technical elements of photography, as well as, critical evaluation of student work. Introduces DSLR camera operation and digital imaging techniques. This course is required for the Photography Certificates. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A123

PHOT A1253 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Imaging for Photographers I  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A123.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option. Designed to introduce the student to photographic image processing with computers. Lectures and demonstrations of basic image manipulation, current professional digital workflows, color managed digital printing and archiving of images. Two hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A125

PHOT A1272 Units (18 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)  
Darkroom For Photography Majors  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A110 or PHOT A120 or PHOT A120H or PHOT A123.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
An introduction to 35mm and medium format techniques. Topics will include; Beginning to intermediate film handling, developing, printing methods and working applications of film-based equipment. This class gives the student an opportunity to explore their creative vision with the use of film-based photography equipment.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A127

PHOT A1282 Units (18 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)  
Medium and Large Format Film Capture  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A120 or PHOT A120H or PHOT A127.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
An introduction to intermediate medium format and large format camera techniques. Topics will include; Camera movements, medium format and large format film handling, developing, printing methods, and working applications of medium and large format film based equipment. This class gives the student an opportunity to explore their creative vision with the use of film-based photography equipment. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A128

PHOT A1411-2 Units (54-108 lab hours)  
Black & White Photography Lab 1  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A120, PHOT A120H, or PHOT A127.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Instruction and assistance with intermediate black & white laboratory, using 35mm, RC Papers, and camera projects. Students determine their own projects. This is a workshop course intended as, but not limited to, an augmentative laboratory course for those enrolled in certificate studio/production photography classes. Counts towards 100 level elective course requirement for Photography Certificate of Achievement. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A141

PHOT A1421-2 Units (54-108 lab hours)  
Traditional Black & White Photo Lab 2  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A141.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Instruction and Assistance with intermediate/advanced black & white laboratory using 120 film, fiber based paper, and camera projects. This is a workshop course intended as, but not limited to, an augmentative laboratory course for those enrolled in certificate studio/production photography classes. Students determine their own projects. Instruction is offered at intermediate and advanced levels. Counts toward "100" level elective course requirement for photography majors. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A142

PHOT A1431-2 Units (54-108 lab hours)  
Traditional Black & White Photo Lab 3  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A142.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Instruction and assistance with advanced black & white laboratory, using 4x5 film, fiber based paper, a variety of different film/paper developer combinations, and camera projects. This is a workshop course intended as, but not limited to, an augmentative laboratory course for those enrolled in certificate studio/production photography classes. Students determine their own projects. Instruction is offered at advanced levels. Counts toward "100" level elective course requirement for photography majors. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. Three to six hours laboratory.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A143

PHOT A1522 Units (36 lecture hours)  
Photo Gallery  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Aids students in the appreciation and critical analysis of contemporary art photography. Presentations and discussions provide background for weekly field-trips to museums and galleries in the Los Angeles area. Course content differs each semester due to the local exhibition calendar. Counts towards "100" level optional course requirement for Photography Certificate of Achievement. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A152

PHOT A1611-2 Units (54-108 lab hours)  
Digital Photography Laboratory 1  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A123, PHOT A125, or PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Instruction and assistance with intermediate Adobe Lightroom Classic and workflow to Adobe Photoshop. Refining skills of image adjustment, masking tools, HDR and preparing files for print from camera projects. Students determine their own projects. This is a workshop course intended as, but not limited to, an augmentative laboratory course for those enrolled in certificate studio/production photography classes. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A161

PHOT A1621-2 Units (54-108 lab hours)  
Digital Photography Laboratory 2  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A125, PHOT A180, or concurrent enrollment; or PHOT A161.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Instruction and assistance with digital workflow involving Raw files, Adobe Photoshop and other professional software, including color grading, compositing, layer masks, adjustment layers and preparing files for printing from camera projects. This is a workshop course intended as, but not limited to, an augmentative laboratory course for those enrolled in certificate studio/production photography classes. Students determine their own projects. Instruction is offered at intermediate levels. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A162

PHOT A1804 Units (54 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Introduction to Professional Photography  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A123.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Instruction in the basic professional techniques and the use of professional cameras and lighting stressing technical excellence in all phases. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory, two hours arranged.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A180

PHOT A1873 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Laboratory Practices  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A120 or PHOT A120H.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Study of professional black and white photographic techniques. Emphasis on the following areas; film, developer and paper selection and testing, exposure, contrast control (zone system), advanced fine printing techniques, alterations of photographic materials through intensification and reduction, basic sensitometry and practical photochemistry. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory, two hours arranged.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A187

PHOT A1963 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Photo Bookworks  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A125.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Major course projects are the production of several unique photographic books. Layout, typography, editing of photos, and makeup of a book are covered. Attention will be paid to viewing and discussing a wide range of photographic bookworks. Instruction is offered at intermediate and advanced levels. Recommended for photography majors. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory, two hours arranged.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A196

PHOT A2003 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Documentary Photography  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A125.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Concepts, aesthetics and history of documentary photography. Strongly recommended for students interested in journalism, material culture and social/political issues. Students may use B&W, color or digital photography. Instruction is offered at intermediate and advanced levels. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory, two hours arranged.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A200

PHOT A2203 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Fashion Photography  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Prepares the student for employment in professional fashion photography. Topics include studio lighting techniques, studio practices, posing of models, garment and set styling, as well as, skin retouching techniques. Lecture/Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A220

PHOT A2233 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Action Sports Photography  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
A course designed to address topics and skills associated with photographing in the professional Action Sports industry, for the purpose of illustrating a concept or an idea as it relates to publishing, advertising, web and social media.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A223

PHOT A2253 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Professional Digital Workflow and Color Management  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A125.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Emphasis on current techniques of advanced digital printing workflow, digital file preparation, color management and advanced digital retouching techniques. Recommended for those with an interest in commercial, editorial, or fine art work. Counts toward "200" level elective for Photography Certificate of Achievement. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory, one hour arranged.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A225

PHOT A2413 Units (54 lecture hours)  
Business Practices for Photographers  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Presentation of basic business practices in commercial photography including pricing, marketing, and calculating expenses. Helps students to identify and achieve professional photographic objectives. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A241

PHOT A2601 Unit (54 lab hours)  
Art Portfolio Development 1  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Faculty directed study into the history, criticism, interpretation, literature, theory, or business of art photography, not involving any lab work. Topic(s) and faculty chosen by the student. Instruction is offered at intermediate levels. Recommended for photography majors. Counts toward '200' level elective course requirement. Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A260

PHOT A2611 Unit (54 lab hours)  
Art Portfolio Development 2  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A260.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Faculty directed in-depth study of a specific area of art photography. Topic(s) and faculty chosen by the student. Instruction is offered at intermediate/advanced and advanced levels. Recommended for photography majors. Counts toward '200' level elective course requirement. Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A261

PHOT A2621 Unit (54 lab hours)  
Commercial Portfolio Development 1  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Faculty directed in-depth study of a specific area of professional commercial portfolio development. Topic(s) and faculty chosen by the student. Instruction is offered at intermediate and intermediate/advanced levels. Recommended for photography majors. Counts toward '200' level elective course requirement. Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A262

PHOT A2631 Unit (54 lab hours)  
Commercial Portfolio Development 2  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A262.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Faculty directed in-depth study of the preparation of a professional commercial portfolio and portfolio presentation. Topic(s) and faculty chosen by the student. Instruction is offered at intermediate/advanced and advanced levels. Recommended for photography majors. Counts toward '200' level elective course requirement. Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A263

PHOT A2641 Unit (54 lab hours)  
Exhibition Preparation 1  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A120, PHOT A120H, or PHOT A123.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Faculty directed study into the conception, development, planning and installation of photographic exhibitions. Students work closely with faculty in the running of the photography department’s three gallery spaces. Instruction is offered at intermediate and intermediate/advanced levels. Recommended for photography majors. Counts toward '200' level elective course requirement.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A264

PHOT A2651 Unit (54 lab hours)  
Exhibition Preparation 2  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A264.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Faculty directed study into the conception, development, planning, and installation of a personal photographic exhibition. Instruction is offered at intermediate/advanced and advanced levels. Recommended for photography majors. Counts toward '200' level elective course requirement. Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A265

PHOT A2661 Unit (54 lab hours)  
Marketing and Self Promotion 1  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Faculty directed in-depth study of a specific area of photographic marketing and self-promotion. Topic(s) and faculty chosen by the student. Instruction is offered at intermediate and intermediate/advanced levels. Recommended for photography majors. Counts toward '200' level elective course requirement. Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A266

PHOT A2671 Unit (54 lab hours)  
Marketing and Self Promotion 2  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A266.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Faculty directed, in depth study of the implementation and application of a created marketing and self-promotion plan. Topic(s) and faculty chosen by the student and will include, but not be limited to, branding and identity, logo design, websites, and Internet marketing. Instruction is offered at advanced levels. Recommended for photography majors. Counts toward '200' level elective course requirement.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A267

PHOT A2803 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Professional Digital Techniques  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
A course on professional digital techniques for emerging digital photographers. A strong technical basis will be introduced, but primary orientation will be toward solving practical problems in professional digital photography. Areas covered will include advanced post-production practices, simulating professional working situations, and professional digital methodologies. Lecture/Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A280

PHOT A2823 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Professional Portraiture  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Prepares the student for employment in professional portrait photography or management of a portrait photography studio. Topics include studio lighting techniques, studio practices, the variety of specialized services offered by professional portrait photographers, as well as, skin retouching techniques. Lecture/Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A282

PHOT A2834 Units (54 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Art Photography  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A125.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
A critique based studio class focusing on photography as a contemporary art medium - concepts, aesthetics and history of art photography in relation to contemporary art practice in general. Students may use black and white, color or digital photography. Instruction is offered at intermediate and advanced levels. Required for photography majors. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory, two hours arranged.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A283

PHOT A2873 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Alternative Methods  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
An intermediate to advanced course covering modern photographic techniques involved with alternative photographic processes. Graded or Pass/No Pass option. Technical and creative experimentation will be emphasized. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory, two hours arranged.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A287

PHOT A2883 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Editorial and Advertising People Photography  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A188.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Addresses the topics and skills associated with commercial photography of people, usually on location, for the purpose of conveying a message, idea, or concept in advertising, editorial, and annual report applications. Topics include commercial and retail portraiture, concepts communicated through portraiture, location scouting and lighting. Two hours lecture, two hours laboratory, two hours arranged.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A288

PHOT A2893 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Architectural Photography  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A180.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
A course in professional architectural photography techniques, methodology and workflow. This course is designed to prepare the student for the professional industry by introducing a high technical level. Exterior and interior architectural photography are covered with an emphasis on different light sources, perspective and color correction. Some fieldwork with instructor. Lecture/Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A289

PHOT A2903 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Advertising Illustration Photography  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT A188.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course is designed for the advanced photography student and professional photographers with specific interest in the commercial photography field of advertising illustration. Counts toward "200" level elective course requirement for Photography Certificate of Achievement. Lecture/Lab/Arranged Lab.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT A290

PHOT C1053 Units (36 lecture hours; 54 lab hours)  
Introduction to Photography  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Introduction to the processes, principles, and tools of photography. Topics include the development of technical and aesthetic skills, elements of design and composition, camera technology, materials and equipment, and contemporary trends in photography. This course is identical to ART C155. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT C105

PHOT C1081 Unit (18 lecture hours)  
Digital Photography for Travelers  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
Introductory course in shooting techniques and photographic management methods necessary for successful travel photography. Basic skills such as shooting night scenes and scenic panoramas, and using professional effects to take more accomplished interior and exterior photographs will be covered. Includes brief history of the digital camera and discussion of some basic computer, printer, or publishing output options as well as suggestions for simple image manipulation. Student shall provide own digital camera. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT C108

PHOT G1203 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Darkroom Photography 1  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course will introduce students to the historical and technical fundamentals of the processes, principles, and tools of film-based, darkroom photography. This course also introduces the development of personal artistic expression and visual perception. Topics covered include the development of technical and aesthetic skills, picture-taking techniques, darkroom printing techniques, elements of design and principles of composition, photographic materials and auxiliary equipment, and historical and contemporary trends in photography from a fine arts perspective. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT G120

PHOT G1903 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Digital Photography 1  
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course will introduce students to the historical and technical fundamentals of the processes, principles, and tools of digital photography and digital imaging. This course also introduces the development of personal artistic expression and visual perception. Students will gain experience related to digital camera controls, exposure, lighting, content, color, and composition. Students will also be introduced to the basics of digital imaging, including printing, presenting, and image editing. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT G190

PHOT G1913 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)  
Digital Photography 2  
Prerequisite(s): PHOT G190.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course will provide intermediate-level instruction in the processes, principles, and tools of digital photography and digital imaging. Students will gain experience with digital techniques that further their creative exploration of photography. Topics include intermediate camera control instruction, editing techniques, scanning, printing, mounting, and using the essential image editing tools of Adobe Photoshop to create a master digital image. This course continues the development of a student's personal artistic expression and visual perception. Graded or Pass/No Pass option.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing PHOT G191