Credit Courses
MUS G1013 Units (54 lecture hours)
History & Appreciation Of Music
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC: Credit Limitation: MUS G101 and G101H combined: maximum credit, 1 course.
This course is designed to help students enjoy listening to all styles of music with emphasis on what to listen for in music. This course emphasizes an historical survey of popular music of yesterday, today and tomorrow known as European and American "classical" music, and includes brief introduction to several other styles as well. This course uses film, videotape, DVD, CD presentations, and listening assignments. Attending one live concert is required.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
C-ID: MUS 100.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G101
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Dance, Associate in Arts Degree
- Elementary Teacher Education, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- GWC: Liberal Arts Emphasis Arts & Humanities AA requirements
- Global Studies, Certificate of Achievement
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Studies for Elementary Education, Associate in Arts Degree
- Music
- Music (MUS)
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
MUS G1033 Units (54 lecture hours)
World Music
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is a survey of music of selected cultures outside the tradition of Western art music. Divided into three general categories, the course examines folk music, tribal music, and art structures. Audio recordings and filmed examples introduce the student to instrumental and vocal techniques, musical structures, and performance contexts.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G103
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Anthropology, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- GWC: Liberal Arts Emphasis Arts & Humanities AA requirements
- Global Studies, Certificate of Achievement
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Studies for Elementary Education, Associate in Arts Degree
- Music
- Music (MUS)
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
MUS G1051 Unit (18 lecture hours)
Beginning Guitar I
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is for non-music majors interested in learning to play the guitar. Students must furnish their own guitars.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G105
MUS G1061 Unit (18 lecture hours)
Beginning Guitar II
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is a continuation of Music G105 Beginning Guitar 1. Concentration on chords and correct finger-picking. Traditional and folk tunes will be studied and performed. Students must furnish their own guitars.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G106
MUS G1083 Units (54 lecture hours)
History and Appreciation of The Musical Theater
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is identical to THEA G108.
This course explores all of the elements which make Musical Theater a major theatrical art form. Emphasis will be placed on the history of the musical and on examining the roles of the composer, librettist, lyricist, choreographer, director, performer, designer, and others relative to creating a musical theater production. Recorded materials and live performances will be utilized to enhance the student's knowledge of the subject.
Enrollment Limitation: THEA G108; students who complete MUS G108 may not enroll in or receive credit for THEA G108.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G108
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- GWC: Liberal Arts Emphasis Arts & Humanities AA requirements
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Music
- Music (MUS)
- Theater Arts
- Theater Arts (THEA)
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
MUS G1153 Units (54 lecture hours)
Basic Music
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
An introductory course exploring the primary elements of tonal music. Incorporates the following concepts: staff notation in treble and bass clefs, rhythm and meter; basic properties of sound; intervals; diatonic scales and triads; and diatonic chords. Development of skills in handwritten notation, reading music, and aural perception is expected.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G115
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Advanced Placement (AP)
- GWC: CLEP, IB, AP credit
- GWC: Liberal Arts Emphasis Arts & Humanities AA requirements
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Studies for Elementary Education, Associate in Arts Degree
- Music
- Music (MUS)
- Theater Arts
- Theater Arts (THEA)
MUS G1164 Units (72 lecture hours)
Theory and Musicianship 1
Advisory: MUS G115.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is the first in a four-semester sequence presenting the basic techniques and materials, principles and practice of diatonic harmony, integrated with musicianship. Topics cover a brief review of music fundamentals, introduction to four-part chorale writing principles, figured bass, primary-secondary triads, cadences, non-harmonic tones; integrated with aural skills development to include sight-singing, melodic, two-part, and rhythmic dictation.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
C-ID: MUS 120; MUS 125.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G116
MUS G1174 Units (72 lecture hours)
Theory and Musicianship 2
Prerequisite(s): MUS G116.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is the second in a four-semester sequence that presents the basic techniques and materials, principles and practice of diatonic harmony, integrated with musicianship; compositional techniques, four-part harmony, secondary triads; introduction to modulation; analysis of selected forms and compositional devices, integrated with sight-singing and ear training; and melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
C-ID: MUS 130; MUS 135.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G117
MUS G1211 Unit (54 lab hours)
College Choir
Prerequisite(s): Audition.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
A large choral group singing music in all styles. Open to beginning through advanced singers with an emphasis in the development of vocal technique and music reading. This course may be taken 4 times.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
C-ID: MUS 180.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G121
MUS G1221 Unit (54 lab hours)
Chamber Choir
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
A select vocal ensemble which performs suitable music from all historical periods. Extensive participation in concerts on campus, field trips. Occasional brief section rehearsals. Schedule of performances announced at the beginning of each semester. Each student must provide his own standard performance dress (except tuxedo). Financial aid available for qualified students who cannot provide their own required items of clothing. This course may be taken 4 times.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
C-ID: MUS 180.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G122
MUS G1271 Unit (6 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)
Wind Band Skills 1
Prerequisite(s): Audition.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course is designed for the student who is new to the collegiate band experience, but has had previous successful experiences performing on their chosen instrument. Introduction and implementation of wind band ensemble and performance skills including rehearsal etiquette, rehearsal techniques, individual practice skills, section performance skills, and musical interpretation. Students must have a minimum individual performance skill level in order to take the course, as this is an ensemble skill course.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G127
MUS G1281 Unit (6 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)
Wind Band Skills 2
Prerequisite(s): MUS G127 or audition.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course is a continuation of the skills introduced in Wind Band Skills 1 for those students having minimal collegiate band experience who wish to develop their skills further. Development of fundamental wind band skills previously introduced will be explored in more depth, with emphasis on proper group rehearsal and individual practice techniques. Development of section rehearsal skills will also be emphasized, encouraging students to develop leadership roles within the group. Students must have a minimum individual performance skill level in order to take this course, as this is an ensemble-based course dependent on student to student interaction.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G128
MUS G1291 Unit (6 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)
Wind Band Skills 3
Prerequisite(s): MUS G128 or audition.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course is a continuation of the skills developed in Wind Band Skills 2 and is oriented toward those students with limited collegiate wind band experience who wish to further develop their musical and ensemble skills. Introduction of secondary and intermediate wind band skills are utilized as a continuation of the fundamental skills developed in the first two courses. Emphasis is placed on development of multi-faceted individual practice, intermediate level section rehearsal techniques, and intermediate performance skills with musical interpretation. Students must have a minimum performance skill level in order to take this course, as this is an ensemble-based course dependent on student-to-student interaction.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G129
MUS G1301 Unit (6 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)
Wind Band Skills 4
Prerequisite(s): MUS G129 or audition.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This is the final course in the Wind Band Skills sequence and is oriented toward those students with limited collegiate wind band experience who wish to further develop their musical and ensemble performance skills. Utilization of advanced wind band and musical skills is developed as a continuation of the techniques presented in the previous courses in the sequence. Development of advanced musical techniques as applied to individual and ensemble rehearsal and performance practices. Development of individual approach to musical interpretation with advanced performance skills. Students must meet a minimum performance skill level in order to take this course; this is an ensemble-based course dependent on student-to-student interaction.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G130
MUS G1393 Units (54 lecture hours)
History Of Rock Music
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course covers musical styles in rock and roll history from roots to contemporary music. Emphasis is placed on the cultural and ethnic roots of rock music styles, with emphasis on the African-American contribution to multiple sub-genres of rock music. Other multi-cultural influences in rock music will be explored, including Latin American, Mexican American, Afro-Cuban, and Caribbean influenced music. Exploration of American interpretation and presentation of the various rock musical influences throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century are central to the content of the course.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G139
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- Elementary Teacher Education, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer
- GWC: Liberal Arts Emphasis Arts & Humanities AA requirements
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Music
- Music (MUS)
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
MUS G1411 Unit (18 lecture hours)
Piano 1
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Formerly: Beginning Piano 1.
Piano instruction for those with no previous keyboard experience or no previous formal music instruction of any sort. Sight reading, playing by ear, keyboard harmony, scales and keyboard technique. One hour of practice daily is assumed.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G141
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- GWC: Liberal Arts Emphasis Arts & Humanities AA requirements
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Music
- Music (MUS)
- Music, Associate in Arts Degree
- Theater Arts
- Theater Arts (THEA)
MUS G1421 Unit (18 lecture hours)
Beginning Piano II
Advisory: MUS G141.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is a continuation of Music G141 with emphasis on reading music, and piano keyboard harmony and scales in major keys. Regular daily practice is essential for success in this course.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G142
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- GWC: Liberal Arts Emphasis Arts & Humanities AA requirements
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Music
- Music (MUS)
- Music, Associate in Arts Degree
- Theater Arts
- Theater Arts (THEA)
MUS G1433 Units (54 lecture hours)
History of Jazz
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Formerly: MUS G136 – Jazz: A History and Appreciation.
This course is a survey of jazz, a uniquely American art form. The class traces the history and development of jazz, from its musical predecessors and beginnings to contemporary styles. Audio recordings introduce the student to the techniques, styles, and performers of jazz. Three hours lecture, one and one-half hours listening in Multi-Media Center a week.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G143
- 2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth
- 2024-2025 IGETC (UC or CSU)
- 2024-2025 Local General Education
- GWC: Liberal Arts Emphasis Arts & Humanities AA requirements
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree
- Music
- Music (MUS)
- University Core, Certificate of Achievement
MUS G1452 Units (36 lecture hours)
Basic Voice
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is for beginning singers. It prepares beginning singers' voices for solo and group singing by improving breathing, vocal tone, range, agility, volume, diction, health, expression and self confidence. Students will sing songs from musical theatre, film, folk, popular and classical repertory, in English and students' first languages, memorized from printed music. One hour daily practice and attendance at one approved recital is required. A pianist accompanies classes.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G145
MUS G1462 Units (36 lecture hours)
Intermediate Voice
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Formerly: MUS 146AB.
This course is a continuation of MUS G145 for singers with two years of choral experience or one semester of private lessons or voice class. It prepares for solo and group singing by improving breathing, vocal tone, range agility, volume, diction, health, expression and self-confidence at the second semester level. Sing songs from musical theatre, film, folk, popular, and classical repertory, in English, Italian and students first languages, memorized from printed music. One hour daily practice and attendance at one approved voice recital required. A pianist accompanies classes.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G146
MUS G1472 Units (36 lecture hours)
Advanced Voice
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is the third and fourth semester continuation of MUS G146 for singers with two semesters of private lessons or voice class. It prepares for solo and group singing by improving breathing, vocal tone, range, agility, volume, diction, health, expression and self-confidence. Students sing songs from musical theatre, opera, film, folk, popular and classical repertory, in English, Italian, German, French, and students' first languages, memorized from printed music. One hour daily practice and attendance at one approved voice recital required. A pianist accompanies classes.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G147
MUS G1502 Units (36 lecture hours)
Voice for Musical Theater 1
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is identical to THEA G146.
Formerly: Broadway And Opera Singing.
This course teaches vocal technique, self-confidence in vocal performance and character development for singers, actors and dancers at an introductory level. Students sing songs from musical theater and/or opera in English and first languages. An audition is not required. Daily practice is required. A pianist accompanies the classes.
Enrollment Limitation: THEA G146; students who complete MUS G150 may not enroll in or receive credit for THEA G146.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G150
MUS G1512 Units (36 lecture hours)
Voice for Musical Theater 2
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Formerly: Broadway and Opera Voice Class.
This course is identical to THEA G148.
This course teaches vocal technique, self-confidence in vocal performance and character development for singers, actors and dancers at a beginning level. Students sing songs from musical theater and/or opera in English and first languages. An audition is not required. Daily practice is required. A pianist accompanies the classes.
Enrollment Limitation: THEA G148; students who complete MUS G151 may not enroll in or receive credit for THEA G148.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G151
MUS G1522 Units (36 lecture hours)
Voice for Musical Theater 3
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course is identical to THEA G156.
This course teaches vocal technique, self-confidence in vocal performance and character development for singers, actors and dancers at an intermediate level. Students sing songs from musical theater and/or opera in English and first languages. An audition is not required. Daily practice is required. A pianist accompanies the classes.
Enrollment Limitation: THEA G156; students who complete MUS G152 may not enroll in or receive credit for THEA G156.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G152
MUS G1532 Units (36 lecture hours)
Voice for Musical Theater 4
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course is identical to THEA G158. This course teaches vocal technique, self-confidence in vocal performance and character development for singers, actors and dancers at an advanced level. Students sing songs from musical theater and/or opera in English and first languages. An audition is not required. Daily practice is required. A pianist accompanies the classes.
Enrollment Limitation: THEA G158; students who complete MUS G153 may not enroll in or receive credit for THEA G158.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G153
MUS G1542 Units (36 lecture hours)
Singing Solo Pop Songs
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU.
This course will explore solo vocal performances of contemporary pop and jazz songs with emphasis on the study and performance of the American popular song. The student will perform selected songs with accompaniment in class and in front of live audiences. Emphasis will be placed on artistic interpretation of the songs, utilization of microphones, vocal improvisation, appropriate stylistic performance practice, and choosing the best in popular song literature.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G154
MUS G2092 Units (36 lecture hours; 72 lab hours)
Symphonic Band, Advanced Skills
Advisory: MUS G109.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is for students who perform at an advanced level on a standard band instrument. Students in this course are expected to develop sophisticated skills beyond standard participation in the Symphonic Band. Performance of solos, the development of score reading abilities, student composition and/or arranging and conducting/leadership roles within the performance ensemble will be explored. Brass, Percussion, and Woodwind sectional rehearsal techniques will be developed. This course may be taken 4 times.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G209
MUS G2164 Units (72 lecture hours)
Theory and Musicianship 3
Prerequisite(s): MUS G117.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is the third in a four-semester sequence that incorporates concepts from Theory and Musicianship 2. Through writing and analysis, this course will include an introduction to chromatic harmony, secondary/applied chords, modulation, borrowed chords, introduction to Neopolitan and augmented-sixth chords. Additional development and application of the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials occurs through ear training, sight-singing, analysis, and dictation.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
C-ID: MUS 140; MUS 145.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G216
MUS G2173 Units (54 lecture hours)
Theory and Musicianship 4
Prerequisite(s): MUS G216 or may be waived by departmental exam.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This is the fourth course in a four-semester sequence that incorporates the concepts from Theory and Musicianship 3. Through writing and analysis, this course will include: post-Romantic techniques such as borrowed chords and modal mixture, chromatic mediants, Neapolitan and augmented-sixth chords, 9th, 11th and 13th chords, altered chords and dominants; and 20th century techniques such as: Impressionism, tone rows, set theory, pandiatonicism and polytonalism, meter and rhythm. Additional development and application of the rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic materials occurs through ear training, sight-singing, analysis, and dictation.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
C-ID: MUS 150.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G217
MUS G2412 Units (36 lecture hours)
Intermediate Piano I
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
Second semester of piano study. Reading music at the keyboard. Sight reading. Playing by ear. Chromatic keyboard harmony in more advanced forms. Regular daily practice is essential for success in this course.
Graded or Pass/No Pass option.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G241
MUS G2422 Units (36 lecture hours)
Intermediate Piano II
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G242
MUS G2601 Unit (18 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)
Symphonic Winds
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This is a performance ensemble course emphasizing contemporary and standard wind band repertoire and performance practice. Skill sets covered include individual instrumental technique, sight reading, active listening, live performance practices, and ensemble concert preparation. Live concert performance with the ensemble is included as part of this course. This course fulfills the large ensemble requirement for the CSU Music Education majors.
C-ID: MUS 180.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G260
MUS G2612 Units (36 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)
Wind Symphony
Prerequisite(s): Audition.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This is an advanced performance ensemble course encompassing the exploration and public performance of wind ensemble literature, correct solo and ensemble performance practices, and the development of the highest level of musical sophistication. Students are expected to perform at a superior level of musicality, as well as develop advanced skills in score reading, section rehearsal techniques, and concert preparation. This course fulfills the large ensemble requirement for the CSU Music Performance majors.
C-ID: MUS 180.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G261
MUS G2900.5 Units (9 lecture hours)
Applied Music
Prerequisite(s): Audition.
Grading Mode: Standard Letter, Pass/No Pass
Transfer Credit: CSU; UC.
This course is designed to be for the student seeking individual instruction on piano, voice, guitar, or any standard band or orchestra instrument. A performance at Faculty Juries and Concert Hour is required for each semester. Vocal and instrumental students concurrently enroll in choir or band; pianist and guitarists should consult with faculty for an appropriate concurrent course. There are fifteen private lessons per semester, with level of proficiency determined by faculty adjudication. This course may be taken 4 times.
C-ID: MUS 160.