Academic Catalogs

Art, Associate in Arts Degree

Banner Code: 2_AA_ART

Control Number: 18426

Financial Aid Eligible

The Associate in Arts Degree in Art focuses on visual literacy and provides students with the opportunity to develop skills that are needed to be successful in the visual arts. Students build both their confidence and their portfolios while participating in rigorous problem solving and conceptual assignments. The major introduces students to the foundations, history, and technical knowledge of the visual arts. Students acquire the skills to build a diverse body of work through participating in a contemporary program that promotes critical thinking, creative problem solving, and aesthetic understanding.

Program Level Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate the skills to undertake a conceptual analysis of art.
  2. Apply the concepts and methods of composition.
  3. Recognize significant examples of visual art.
  4. Design and plan finished works of art.
  5. Create finished works of art based on initial designs.

Review Graduation Requirements and General Education.

Course Title Units
Required Courses
ART G105Survey of Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages3
ART G106Survey of Art from Renaissance to Contemporary3
ART G107Color and Design: 2D3
ART G116Drawing 13
Elective Courses
Select two from one of the following concentrations:6
Drawing and Painting Concentration
ART G108Color Theory3
ART G117Drawing 23
ART G118Life Drawing 13
ART G119Life Drawing 23
ART G130Painting 13
ART G131Painting 23
Printmaking Concentration
ART G150Printmaking 13
ART G151Printmaking 23
ART G250Printmaking 33
ART G251Printmaking 43
Sculpture Concentration
ART G109Color and Design: 3D3
ART G142Sculpture 13
ART G143Sculpture 23
Ceramics Concentration
ART G109Color and Design: 3D3
ART G121Ceramics 13
ART G122Ceramics 23
ART G221Ceramics 33
ART G223Ceramics 43
Photography Concentration
PHOT G120Darkroom Photography 13
PHOT G190Digital Photography 13
PHOT G191Digital Photography 23
Art History Concentration
ART G103Survey of Asian Art3
ART G104Survey of Modern and Contemporary Art3
ART G127Art of the Ancient Americas3
ART G128Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America3
ART G145Exhibition Design3
Graphic Design Concentration
ART G115Typography3
DART G170Graphic Design Principles3
DART G135Digital Illustration: Adobe Illustrator3
DART G150Digital Image Editing I: Beginning Photoshop3
Major Total18
GE Pattern (Local, CSU GE-Breadth, or IGETC)18-39
Total Units60

Recommended Program Sequence

These sequences are general course maps for students to finish all major and general education requirements for two-year completion of degrees, completion of short-term certificates, and/or fulfillment of transfer requirements. However, this may not be an appropriate path for all students.  The two-year sequence is based on English and Math placement and meeting other course prerequisites. Students are advised to meet with a GWC Counselor to review course selections and sequences to ensure that completion of this program will meet a student's transfer and career goals.

Year 1:

Course Title Units
Semester 1
ART G116Drawing 13
ART G105Survey of Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages3
ENGL G100Freshman Composition ^4
Area E: Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development or any additional course from Area A-D3
Elective coursework for a total of 3 units3
Course Title Units
Semester 2
ART G107Color and Design: 2D3
ART G106Survey of Art from Renaissance to Contemporary3
Elective coursework for a total of 6 units6
Math Competency3
If Mathematics is satisfied by competency, select Area A2: Communication and Analytical Thinking course

Year 2:

Course Title Units
Semester 3
Area B: Natural Sciences course3
Area D: Social & Behavioral Sciences course3
Elective coursework for a total of 6 units6
Select one of the following:3
ART G103Survey of Asian Art3
ART G104Survey of Modern and Contemporary Art3
ART G108Color Theory3
ART G109Color and Design: 3D3
ART G115Typography3
ART G117Drawing 23
ART G118Life Drawing 13
ART G119Life Drawing 23
ART G121Ceramics 13
ART G122Ceramics 23
ART G127Art of the Ancient Americas3
ART G128Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America3
ART G130Painting 13
ART G131Painting 23
ART G142Sculpture 13
ART G143Sculpture 23
ART G145Exhibition Design3
ART G150Printmaking 13
ART G151Printmaking 23
ART G221Ceramics 33
ART G223Ceramics 43
ART G250Printmaking 33
ART G251Printmaking 43
DART G135Digital Illustration: Adobe Illustrator3
DART G150Digital Image Editing I: Beginning Photoshop3
DART G170Graphic Design Principles3
PHOT G120Darkroom Photography 13
PHOT G190Digital Photography 13
PHOT G191Digital Photography 23
Course Title Units
Semester 4
Ethnic Studies Competency3
Elective coursework to reach a minimum of 60 units6-8
Select one of the following NOT already taken:3
ART G103Survey of Asian Art3
ART G104Survey of Modern and Contemporary Art3
ART G108Color Theory3
ART G109Color and Design: 3D3
ART G115Typography3
ART G117Drawing 23
ART G118Life Drawing 13
ART G119Life Drawing 23
ART G121Ceramics 13
ART G122Ceramics 23
ART G127Art of the Ancient Americas3
ART G128Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America3
ART G130Painting 13
ART G131Painting 23
ART G142Sculpture 13
ART G143Sculpture 23
ART G145Exhibition Design3
ART G150Printmaking 13
ART G151Printmaking 23
ART G221Ceramics 33
ART G223Ceramics 43
ART G250Printmaking 33
ART G251Printmaking 43
DART G135Digital Illustration: Adobe Illustrator3
DART G150Digital Image Editing I: Beginning Photoshop3
DART G170Graphic Design Principles3
Total Degree Units60

Program sequence may not be recommended for students who self-place into ENGL G100S. Students should see a Counselor for appropriate advisement.