Academic Catalogs

Hospitality and Tourism, Certificate of Completion

Banner Code: 1_NCG_HTT

Control Number: 41964

Not Financial Aid Eligible

Hospitality and Tourism are essential components of our state and regional economy and offer a variety of exciting and people-facing career paths. With a focus on exploring these paths and building students’ employability skills, this program is designed to give students the tools and resources necessary to pursue entry-level career opportunities in hospitality and tourism and/or prepare them for college credit programs.

Program Outcome

The outcome of this certificate is to prepare students for entry-level employment in the hospitality and tourism sector and/or prepare students to transition to college credit programs.

Certificate of Completion

A certificate leading to improved employability or job opportunities.

For more information regarding noncredit, please visit

Course Title Hours
Required Courses
COS A001NIntroduction to the Customer Service12
HTT A003NCareers in Hospitality/Tourism Noncredit12
Total Hours24