Academic Catalogs

English as a Second Language

The English as a Second Language Department linguistically prepares second-language learners for academic success—in college-level courses, for transfer to four year universities, and for degree and certificate attainment—and for business and professional life-- by helping develop digital literacy (through the use of technology for research and presentations) and essential (soft) skills through collaborative work to promote a global mindset.  We foster language acquisition and language learning while developing the critical thinking skills needed for academic and professional success.

We offer grammar/writing/reading (G/W/R) courses—ESL 015, ESL 022, ESL 032, ESL 052, ESL 062, ESL 192 (a CSU elective), and ESL 100 (CSU A2)  and listening/speaking/note-taking/presentation (L/S) courses:  ESL 011, ESL 024, ESL 034, and ESL 054.

Our G/W/R classes focus on students’ being able to understand and correct their second language errors through explicit grammar instruction and through writing based on readings.  Students learn to analyze text to evaluate, summarize, and synthesize it in their writing.  These courses have a cultural component to help students understand and navigate the complexities of American culture and other cultures through inquiry and analysis to develop cultural competence. 

Students learn to take academic notes by listening and responding  to interdisciplinary (the arts, technology, sociology, economics, biology, etc.) lectures in our L/S courses.  Working collaboratively with classmates, students also learn how to do research on academic topics and present their findings through group presentations (using PPT, Prezi, or Google Slides). We also work on stress and intonation, word linking, and pronunciation (using the IPA) in classroom discussions, impromptu focused questions, and individualized text reading.

Additionally, we offer supplemental courses for students who are currently enrolled in Freshman Comp and need additional assistance with reading and vocabulary (ESL 045), sentence structure (ESL 046), spelling (ESL 047), pronunciation (ESL 048), and 2nd language grammar (ESL 049).  These classes are free and OER.

Department Contact Information 

Laurie Barton (Advisor)   

Cheryl Bucholtz-Magallón (Advisor)

Marely Cervantes    

Diane Colvin (Co-Chair)   

María Lerma (Co-Chair/Scheduler)

English as a Second Language Department Website