Academic Catalogs

Automotive Technology

AUTO G002N16 Hours (4 lecture hours; 12 lab hours)  
Automotive Safety  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course covers general safety guidelines for the Automotive Industry. Students will learn about Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), how to safely use and maintain automotive tools, vehicle hoists, and other equipment used in the industry. In addition, students will take the S/P2 (Safety and Pollution Prevention) safety test which outlines proper procedures for hazardous waste handling and disposal. Noncredit. Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing AUTO G002N

AUTO G003N48 Hours (16 lecture hours; 32 lab hours)  
Automotive Lube Technician  
Prerequisite(s): AUTO G002N.
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course covers fundamental theories and skills required to enter the automotive workforce as an Automotive Lube Technician. Upon completion, students will learn basic automotive safety, become proficient in using published and online vehicle service information platforms, and perform vehicle service procedures outlined by periodic maintenance schedules. Noncredit. Oopen Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing AUTO G003N

AUTO G004N48 Hours (12 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)  
Automotive Tire and Wheel Service  
Prerequisite(s): AUTO G002N.
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course covers fundamental theory and skills required to work as a tire technician. Students will learn basic automotive safety, guidelines for aftermarket wheel and tire replacement, as well as the safe use of equipment for repairing and replacing tires used on most light truck and passenger vehicles. Noncredit. Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing AUTO G004N

AUTO G045N90 Hours (54 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)  
Basic Clean Air Car Course  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course is the first in a series of courses required by the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) to obtain an Advanced Emissions Specialist license. The course will cover rules and regulations, history of the California Smog Check Program, a study of five-gas analysis, oxygen sensors, an overview of all emission control devices offered in California since 1975, and an introduction to second generation onbosard diagnostic system (OBD ll). The theory in this course is reinforced with hands-on skill practice. Students must complete this course before submitting an application to the BAR for an Advanced Emissions Specialist license. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing AUTO G045N

AUTO G046N42 Hours (18 lecture hours; 24 lab hours)  
Smog Level 2 Smog Check Inspector Training  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course provides students the procedural knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform Smog Check inspections. Course content includes safety, customer awareness, program administration, equipment maintenance and inspection and testing procedures for OIS and ASM smog tests. Students who complete and pass this training will have met the Bureau's training requirements to qualify to take the Smog Check Inspector state licensing examination. Noncredit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing AUTO G046N