Academic Catalogs

Non-California Residents

The following conditions are applicable regarding nonresident fees:

  1. Students who are not residents of California as of the day immediately preceding the first day of the semester or summer session will be required to pay a nonresident tuition and capital outlay fees.
  2. Active duty Servicemembers are exempt from nonresident tuition fees provided they are in California for a purpose other than attending a state supported institution of higher education.
  3. Dependents of Servicemembers are granted a one-year exemption from paying the nonresident tuition fee. The one-year period begins on the date the dependent enters California. After the exemption period has ended, dependents will be charged nonresident tuition and capital outlay fees unless they have met the residency intent and durational requirements for a one-year period prior to the residency determination date.
  4. Veteran military personnel that were stationed in California for more than one year prior to separation qualify for the non-resident college fee waiver for one year within two years commencing immediately after discharge.
  5. Minors (under 18 years of age and not married) will be required to pay the nonresident tuition and capital outlay fees if their parents or legal guardians reside outside the state even though such minors may have lived in California for one year or more.
  6. Students who are financially dependent on their parents or legal guardians will be required to pay nonresident tuition capital outlay fees if their parents or legal guardians reside outside the state even though such students may have lived in California for one year or more.
  7. Physical presence within California solely for educational purposes does not constitute the basis for establishing California residence regardless of length of that presence.
  8. Alien students holding visas which precludes them from establishing residency in California may be restricted in their enrollment at Coastline College and will have to pay nonresident tuition capital outlay fees.

AB 540 Exemption Eligibility Requirements

Under Senate Bill 68, a “nonimmigrant alien” within the meaning 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(15) is not entitled to claim the exemption. These provisions identify a number of categories of visitors to the United States who have a form of temporary lawful status, but do not intend to establish residency.

California General Educational Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC), and California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE). See General Counsel Legal Opinions 05-09 and 06-02.

Senate Bill 68 established a complex scheme for determining eligibility for the AB 540 exemption. Under Senate Bill 68, a student is exempt from paying nonresident tuition at the California Community Colleges if the student meets all of the following four requirements, as applicable:

Requirement 1: Attendance at California schools. This requirement may be met in either of the following two ways:

  1. Full-time attendance at a California community college means either 12 units of credit per semester (or quarter equivalent per year) or a minimum of 420 class hours per year (or semester or quarter equivalent per year) in non-credit courses authorized by Education Code section 84757. Attendance in credit courses at a California community college counted towards this requirement shall not exceed a total of two years of full-time attendance. (Ed. Code, § 68130.5, subds. (a)(1)(C)(i), (a)(1)(C)(ii).)
  2. Full-time attendance at a California adult school means a minimum of 420 class hours of attendance for each school year in classes or courses authorized by Education Code section 41976, or Penal Codes sections 2053 or 2054.2. (Ed. Code, § 68130.5, subd. (a)(1)(C)(i).)

Requirement 2: Completion of a course of study. This requirement may be met in any of the following ways:

  • Total attendance (or attainment of credits earned) in California equivalent to three or more years of full- time attendance at California high schools, California high schools established by the State Board of Education, California adult schools (established by a county office of education, a unified school district or high school district, or the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation), campuses of the California Community Colleges, or a combination of these;
  • Three or more years of full-time California high school coursework, and a total of three or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, California secondary schools, or a combination of California elementary and secondary schools (Ed. Code, § 68130.5, subd. (a)(1).
  • Graduation from a California high school or equivalent.
  • Attainment of an associate degree from a California community college.
  • Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements established for the University of California or the California State University for students transferring from a California community college. (Ed. Code, § 68130.5, subd. (a)(2).)

Requirement 3: Registration.

  • Requires registration as an entering student at, or current enrollment at, an accredited institution of higher education in California. (Ed. Code, § 68130.5, subd. (a)(3).)

Requirement 4: Affidavit of student without lawful immigration status.

  • Students without lawful immigration status must file an affidavit with their college or university stating that the student has either filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status or will file an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so. (Ed. Code, § 68130.5, subd. (a)(4).)

In accordance with SB 141, Coastline College will exempt from nonresident tuition, a nonresident student who is a U.S. citizen and who resides in a foreign country, if that student meets all of requirements of the bill. Contact the Residence clerk for a list of requirements.

  1. This is a “Non Resident Tuition” Exemption: In accordance with AB669, a student who currently resides in California and is 19 years of age or under at the time of enrollment, who is currently a dependent or ward of the state through California’s child welfare system, or was served by California’s child welfare system and is no longer being served either due to emancipation or aging out of the system, may be entitled to resident classification until he or she has resided in the state the minimum time necessary to become a resident.

Non-resident Tuition for the 2022-2023 academic year: $319.00 per unit + $42.00 per unit Non-Resident Capital Outlay. Students who are not California residents as defined by the Education Code are required to pay the non-resident tuition fee in addition to the fees described above. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to prove that he/she is a California resident.