Academic Catalogs

Associate in Arts General Education 2024-2025: Option 1 (Orange Coast College General Education)

Orange Coast College grants the degree of Associate in Arts. Below are OCC’s general education requirements for the AA degree.

For additional information regarding earning an Associate in Arts Degree, please see the Graduation Requirements section of this catalog. Only one Associate in Arts Degree will be awarded to a student by OCC.

Complete a minimum of 28 units distributed among the following. One course may not be used to meet two separate requirements.

Area A: English Language Communication and Analytical Thinking

Students will be able to read, write, listen, and speak competently while demonstrating critical/analytical thinking skills. Six semester units (or 8-10 quarter units) to include a composition course from Group 1 and one course from Group 2. It is strongly recommended that students begin the composition requirement within their first 12 units of coursework.

1. Composition

Course Title Units
ENGL A100Freshman Composition 13
ESL A100ESL College Composition 13

With a grade of "C" or better.

2. Communication and Analytical Thinking

Course Title Units
BUS A139Business Communication3
CMST A100Interpersonal Communication3
CMST A110Public Speaking3
CMST A120Reader's Theater and Oral Interpretation3
CMST A180Introduction to Mass Communications3
CMST A220Essentials of Argumentation3
CMST A240Media Literacy3
CS A262Discrete Structures3
DMAD A181Introduction to Computer Graphics3
ENGL A101Critical Reasoning: Fiction4
or ENGL A101H Critical Reasoning: Fiction Honors
ENGL A102Critical Reasoning: Nonfiction3
or ENGL A102H Critical Reasoning: Nonfiction Honors
ENGL A109Critical Reasoning and Writing for Science and Technology3
FBM A220Food and Beverage Cost Control4
MACH A121Computations for Machinists3
MATH A100Liberal Arts Mathematics3
MATH A104Mathematics for Elementary Teachers3
MATH A115College Algebra4
MATH A120Trigonometry3
MATH A140Business Calculus4
MATH A155Finite Mathematics with Applications4
MATH A160Introduction to Statistics4
MATH A170Precalculus4
MATH A180Calculus 14
or MATH A180H Calculus 1 Honors
MATH A182HCalculus 1 and 2 Honors5
MATH A185Calculus 24
or MATH A185H Calculus 2 Honors
MATH A230Introduction to Discrete Mathematics5
MATH A235Applied Linear Algebra3
MATH A280Calculus 34
or MATH A280H Calculus 3 Honors
MATH A285Introduction to Linear Algebra and Differential Equations4
or MATH A285H Introduction to Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Honors
MATH A290HIntroduction to Tensors and Calculus on Manifolds Honors5
PHIL A150Critical Reasoning & Writing3
PHIL A155Introduction to Logic3
PHIL/MATH A220Introduction to Symbolic Logic3
PSYC A160Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences4
PSYC A270Psychology of Learning3

Area B: Physical and Biological Sciences, Scientific Inquiry, Life Science

Students will apply critical thinking skills concerning the causes and effects of natural phenomena and will become familiar with the rational approach that researchers use to analyze data and formulate logical conclusions. A minimum of four semester units (or six-eight quarter units) including a lab or six semester (or nine quarter units) of lecture-only courses.

Course Title Units
ANTH A185Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
or ANTH A185H Introduction to Biological Anthropology Honors
Introduction to Biological Anthropology
and Biological Anthropology Laboratory 2
Introduction to Biological Anthropology Honors
and Biological Anthropology Laboratory 2
ANTH A188Introduction to Forensic Anthropology3
ASTR A100Introduction to Astronomy3
or ASTR A100H Introduction to Astronomy Honors
Introduction to Astronomy
and Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory 2
or ASTR A100M Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory Honors
Introduction to Astronomy Honors
and Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory 2
or ASTR A100M Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory Honors
ASTR A101Planetary Astronomy3
ASTR A102Stellar Astronomy3
ASTR A103Cosmology3
ASTR A104Galactic Astronomy3
ASTR A200Introduction to Astrophysics4
or ASTR A200H Introduction to Astrophysics Honors
BIOL A100Principles of Biology 24
or BIOL A100H Principles of Biology Honors
BIOL A101The Biology of Cooking 24
BIOL A114Basic Microbiology2
BIOL A125Human Biology3
BIOL A180Introduction to Biology for Majors 1: Cell and Molecular Biology 24
BIOL A182Zoology3
or BIOL A182H Zoology Honors
and Zoology Lab 2
Zoology Honors
and Zoology Lab 2
BIOL A183Botany3
and Botany Lab 2
BIOL A185Introduction to Biology for Majors 2: Ecology, Evolution, Diversity, and Physiology 25
BIOL A210General Microbiology 25
BIOL A220Human Anatomy 25
BIOL A221Anatomy-Physiology 24
BIOL A225Human Physiology 25
BIOL A283Genetics4
CHEM A100Principles of Chemistry3
CHEM A110Introduction to Chemistry 25
CHEM A130Preparation for General Chemistry 24
CHEM A180General Chemistry A 25
CHEM A185General Chemistry B 25
Organic Chemistry A
and Organic Chemistry A Lab 2
Organic Chemistry B
and Organic Chemistry B Laboratory 2
ESEC A100Introduction to Environmental Science3
or ESEC A100H Introduction to Environmental Science Honors
ENGR A110Introduction to Engineering and Design3
or ENGR A110H Introduction to Engineering and Design Honors
FN A195Food Science 24
GEOG A130Introduction to Weather & Climate3
GEOG A180Physical Geography3
or GEOG A180H Physical Geography Honors
Physical Geography
and Physical Geography Lab 2
Physical Geography Honors
and Physical Geography Lab 2
GEOL A101Age of the Dinosaurs4
GEOL A105General Geology3
or GEOL A105H General Geology Honors
General Geology
and General Geology Laboratory 2
General Geology
and General Geology Laboratory Honors 2
General Geology Honors
and General Geology Laboratory 2
General Geology Honors
and General Geology Laboratory Honors 2
GEOL A106Earth Science for Teachers4
GEOL A110Physical Geology4
GEOL A115California Geology3
GEOL A131Weather and Climate3
GEOL A160Environmental Geology 24
GEOL A185Evolution of the Earth3
or GEOL A185H Evolution of the Earth Honors
Evolution of the Earth
and Evolution of the Earth Lab 2
or GEOL A185M Evolution of the Earth Lab Honors
Evolution of the Earth Honors
and Evolution of the Earth Lab 2
or GEOL A185M Evolution of the Earth Lab Honors
HORT A100Horticulture Science3
KIN A272Movement Analysis3
KIN A282Introduction to Exercise Physiology3
KIN A282HIntroduction to Exercise Physiology Honors3
MRSC A100Oceanography3
or MRSC A100H Oceanography Honors
and Oceanography Laboratory 2
or MRSC A100M Oceanography Laboratory Honors
Oceanography Honors
and Oceanography Laboratory Honors 2
or MRSC A100L Oceanography Laboratory
MRSC A180Marine Biology3
Marine Biology
and Marine Biology Lab 2
MRSC A185Coastal Oceanography3
Coastal Oceanography
and Coastal Oceanography Lab 2
MRSC A187Marine Mammals3
NS A112Survey of Chemistry and Physics4
NS A115Science and Technology in Music3
PHYS A110Conceptual Physics3
Conceptual Physics
and Introductory Physics Laboratory 2
PHYS A120Algebra-Based Physics 1: Mechanics with Lab 24
PHYS A125Algebra-Based Physics 2: Electricity/Magnetism with Lab4
PHYS A130University Physics 1 (non-majors) 24
PHYS A135University Physics 2 (non-majors)4
PHYS A185Calculus Based Physics: Mechanics 24
or PHYS A185H Calculus-Based Physics: Mechanics Honors
PHYS A280Calculus Based Phys:Elec/Mag 24
PHYS A285Calculus Based Physics: Modern 24
PSYC A250Psychobiology3

Lab course

Area C: Arts and Humanities

Students will develop skill sets associated with the arts and humanities by analyzing aesthetic qualities, evaluating and developing rational arguments, identifying cultural and historical influences, and engaging in artistic expression. A minimum of three semester units (or four-five quarter units) to include one course from Group One and one course from Group Two.

1. Theory

Course Title Units
ANTH A190Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
ARCH A105Architectural Drawing and Design Visualization 12
ARCH A115Architectural Design and Theory 14
ARCH A171Design Fabrication 12
ARCH A205Architectural Drawing and Design Visualization 23
ARCH A290History of Architecture 13
or ARCH A290H History of Architecture 1 Honors
ARCH A296History of Architecture 23
or ARCH A296H History of Architecture 2 Honors
ART A100Survey of Western Art from Prehistory Through Gothic3
or ART A100H Honors Survey of Western Art from Prehistory Through Gothic
ART A101Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Modern3
or ART A101H Honors Survey of Western Art from Renaissance to Modern
ART A102Survey of Modern and Contemporary Art History3
ART A103Survey of Asian Art3
ART A107Introduction To Art3
ART A108Women in Art3
ART A109Ancient Greek Art and Architecture3
or ART A109H Ancient Greek Art and Architecture Honors
ART A114Art of the Ancient Americas3
ART A115Art of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America3
CMST A120Reader's Theater and Oral Interpretation3
CMST A155Intercultural Communications3
CMST A180Introduction to Mass Communications3
DANC A160Dance Composition/Choreography I3
DANC A170Music for Dancers2
DANC A200Appreciation Of Dance3
DANC A230World Dance and Culture3
DMAD A151History of Graphic Design3
ENGL A101Critical Reasoning: Fiction4
or ENGL A101H Critical Reasoning: Fiction Honors
ENGL A102Critical Reasoning: Nonfiction3
or ENGL A102H Critical Reasoning: Nonfiction Honors
ENGL A119Introduction to Creative Writing3
Any literature course A140 through A285
ETHS A100Contemporary Ethnic America3
ESL A162Advanced Academic Reading & Writing 24.5
ESL A192Advanced Academic Reading and Writing 34.5
ETHS A150Ethnic Groups in the United States: Their Histories3
FILM A100History and Appreciation of the Cinema3
or FILM A100H History and Appreciation of the Cinema Honors
FILM A107History of Video Games3
or FILM A107H History of Video Games Honors
FILM A109Science Fiction Film3
or FILM A109H Science Fiction Film Honors
FILM A150History of Radio & Television3
Foreign Language - any course numbered A160 through A285H
GNDR A187Women in History3
HIST A101Afro-American History3
HIST A145History of Mexico3
HIST A150Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories3
HIST A151History of the Middle East to 15003
HIST A152History of the Middle East Since 15003
HIST A161World History 13
or HIST A161H World History 1 Honors
HIST A162World History 23
or HIST A162H World History 2 Honors
HIST A170History of the United States to 18763
or HIST A170H History of the United States to 1876 Honors
HIST A175History of the United States Since 18763
or HIST A175H History of the United States Since 1876 Honors
HIST A176Women In U.S. History3
HIST A180Western Civilization 13
or HIST A180H Western Civilization 1 Honors
HIST A185Western Civilization 23
or HIST A185H Western Civilization 2 Honors
HIST A187Women in History3
HIST A195History of England and Greater Britain3
HUM A100Introduction to the Humanities3
HUM A101HThemes in Humanities Honors3
ID A180History of Interior Architecture and Furnishings 13
ID A190Hist Arch/Furnishings 23
MATH A220Introduction to Symbolic Logic3
MUS A100History and Appreciation of Western Classical Music3
MUS A105Music from Bach Up to Rock3
MUS A139History of Rock Music3
MUS A143History of Jazz3
MUS A180Theory 13
PHIL A100Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL A100HIntroduction to Philosophy Honors3
PHIL A115Philosophy of Religion3
PHIL A118Aesthetics/Philosophy of Art3
PHIL A120Ethics3
PHIL A125History of Ancient Philosophy3
PHIL A140History of Modern Philosophy3
PHIL A150Critical Reasoning & Writing3
PHIL A165The Theory of Knowledge3
PHIL A185Contemporary Philosophy3
PHIL A220Introduction to Symbolic Logic3
PHOT A100Basic Digital Photography2
PHOT A101Photography and Society3
PHOT A130History and Appreciation of Photography3
PHOT A230Photography Since 19453
RLST A100Introduction to Religious Studies3
RLST A110World Religion3
RLST A115Philosophy of Religion3
RLST A135Religion, Spirituality and Society3
RLST A150Eastern Thought3
RLST A151Early and Western Religions3
THEA A100Introduction to Theatre3
THEA A101Introduction to History and Literature of the Theatre3
THEA A105Drama and Acting3

2. Active Participation

Course Title Units
ART A110Color and Design: Two-Dimensional3
ART A111Color and Design: Three-Dimensional3
ART A116Furniture Making and Design4
ART A120Beginning Drawing3
or ART A120H Beginning Drawing Honors
ART A125Perspective Drawing3
ART A141Sculpture 13
ART A142Life Sculpture 13
ART A145Exhibition Design 13
ART A147Jewelry 13
ART A150Ceramics 13
ART A263Watercolor 13
ART A269Cartooning 13
CMST A110Public Speaking3
CMST A120Reader's Theater and Oral Interpretation3
CMST A150Forensics Workshop1-4
CNST A116Furniture Making and Design4
DANC A101Modern Dance 10.5-2
DANC A102Modern 20.5-2
DANC A106Strength and Stretch1-2
DANC A107Conditioning for Dance0.5-2
DANC A108Pilates Mat Work1-2
DANC A110Ballet 10.5-2
DANC A111Ballet 20.5-2
DANC A115Yoga For Dancers0.5-2
DANC A116Latin Dance Styles I0.5-2
DANC A117American Social Dance Styles0.5-2
DANC A118Movement for Longevity1-2
DANC A120Jazz Dance 10.5-2
DANC A121Jazz Dance 20.5-2
DANC A125Tap 10.5-2
DANC A126Tap 20.5-2
DANC A130Mid-Eastern Dance 10.5-2
DANC A135Flamenco Dance 10.5-2
DANC A138African Dance and Drumming I0.5-2
DANC A139Gyrokinesis0.5-2
DANC A143Jazz Dance III2
DANC A144Ballet III2
DANC A145Modern Dance III2
DANC A147Flamenco Dance 20.5-2
DANC A148Mid-Eastern Dance 20.5-2
DANC A149Hip-Hop Dance I0.5-2
DANC A150Dance Improvisation I1
DANC A152Pilates Apparatus 11-2
DANC A153Pilates Apparatus 21-2
DANC A155Latin Dance Styles II1
DANC A158African Dance and Drumming II1
DANC A159Hip-Hop Dance II1
DANC A160Dance Composition/Choreography I3
DANC A171Modern Dance Basics2
DANC A172Ballet Dance Basics2
DANC A173Jazz Dance Basics2
DANC A174Tap Dance Basics1
DANC A203Performing Dance Ensemble I3
DANC A211Repertoire I1-4
DANC A212Repertoire II1-4
DANC A223Performing Dance Ensemble II3
DANC A243Jazz IV2
DANC A244Ballet IV2
DANC A245Modern IV2
DANC A246Tap IV1
DANC A250Dance Improvisation II1
DANC A253Preparation for Audition - Jazz2
DANC A254Preparation for Audition - Ballet2
DANC A255Preparation for Audition - Modern2
DANC A256Preparation for Audition - Tap1
DMAD A181Introduction to Computer Graphics3
ENGL A117Narrative Journalism3
ENGL A119Introduction to Creative Writing3
ENGL A121Short Story Workshop3
ENGL A122Novel Writing I4
ENGL A126Poetry Writing3
ENGL A127Scriptwriting I4
FASH A175Applied Color and Design Theory3
FILM A110Film Production 13
ID A175Applied Color and Design Theory3
MUS A115Fundamentals of Music3
MUS A116Basic Guitar2
MUS A120College Choir1
MUS A129Guitar Ensemble1
MUS A132Wind Ensemble1
MUS A133Orchestra1
MUS A140Beginning Instruments2
MUS A141Piano 11
MUS A144Popular Vocal Techniques1.5
MUS A150Intermediate Band/Orchestra2
MUS A161Voice 11
MUS A230Jazz Improvisation1
MUS A233Symphonic Chamber Orchestra1
MUS A234Studio Jazz Ensemble1
PHOT A110Photography with a Smartphone: Theory and Practice3
PHOT A120Introduction to Photography3
or PHOT A120H Introduction to Photography Honors
PHOT A123Introduction to Digital Photography3
THEA A106Acting Fundamentals3
THEA A110Theatre Laboratory Level 12

Area D: Social and Behavioral Sciences

Students will use the theoretical and methodological principles of the social and behavioral sciences to explain and evaluate institutions, groups, and individuals across social, economic, and global contexts of historical periods. A minimum of 12 semester units (or 15-18 quarter units) to include two courses from Group One, and one course each from Group Two and Group Three.

1. U.S. History and Constitution and American Ideals

Course Title Units
PSCI A180American Government3
or PSCI A180H American Government Honors
Select one of the following:3
History of the United States to 1876
History of the United States to 1876 Honors
History of the United States Since 1876
History of the United States Since 1876 Honors

2. Social and Economic Institutions

Course Title Units
ANTH A100Cultural Anthropology3
or ANTH A100H Cultural Anthropology Honors
ANTH A102Native American3
ANTH A105Anthropology of Nonverbal Behavior3
ANTH A190Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
ANTH A220Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion3
ANTH A280Introduction to Archaeology3
CDE A126Teaching in a Diverse Society3
CMST A155Intercultural Communications3
CMST A165Men, Women, and Communication3
CMST A260Organizational Communication3
COUN A107Chicana/o & Latina/o Experience and Success in Higher Education3
or COUN A107H Chicana/o & Latina/o Experience and Success in Higher Education Honors
ECON A100Economics: General Concepts3
ECON A110Economics of Consumer Finance3
ECON A170Microeconomics3
or ECON A170H Microeconomics Honors
ECON A175Macroeconomics3
or ECON A175H Macroeconomics Honors
ETHS A100Contemporary Ethnic America3
ETHS A150Ethnic Groups in the United States: Their Histories3
ETHS A190The Ethnic Family3
GNDR A100Introduction to Gender Studies3
GNDR A130Women, Politics, and Inequality3
GNDR A165Men, Women, and Communication3
GNDR A187Women in History3
GEOG A100World Regional Geography3
or GEOG A100H World Regional Geography Honors
GEOG A150California Geography3
GEOG A185Cultural Geography3
GLST A101Introduction to Global Studies3
GLST A102Global Issues3
HLED A122Drugs, Health and Society3
HIST A101Afro-American History3
HIST A140The California Experience3
HIST A145History of Mexico3
HIST A150Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories3
HIST A151History of the Middle East to 15003
HIST A152History of the Middle East Since 15003
HIST A161World History 13
or HIST A161H World History 1 Honors
HIST A162World History 23
or HIST A162H World History 2 Honors
HIST A176Women In U.S. History3
HIST A180Western Civilization 13
or HIST A180H Western Civilization 1 Honors
HIST A185Western Civilization 23
or HIST A185H Western Civilization 2 Honors
HIST A187Women in History3
HIST A195History of England and Greater Britain3
HIST A198The World at War3
HTT A125Destination the Americas3
HTT A127Destination Eastern Europe3
HTT A128Destination Africa/Pacific3
HTT A130Cultural Tourism3
PSCI A101Survey of Current Issues3
PSCI A110International Relations3
PSCI A185Comparative Politics3
PSCI A188Introduction to Political Theory3
PSCI A190Introduction to American Legal System3
PSCI A200Introduction to Political Science3
PSYC A165Principles of Human Sexuality 13
PSYC A185Principles of Psychology3
PSYC A255Abnormal Psychology3
PUBH A202Drugs, Health, and Society3
PUBH A203Health and Social Justice3
SJS A101Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
SJS A102Social Justice and Activism3
SOC A100Introduction to Sociology3
or SOC A100H Introduction to Sociology Honors
SOC A110Introduction to Dating, Relationships, and Marriage3
SOC A150Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
SOC A185Analysis of Social Problems3
or SOC A185H Analysis of Social Problems Honors
SOC A200Introduction to Research Methods3

3. Behavioral Science

Course Title Units
ANTH A187Introduction to Primate Studies3
CDE A180Child, Growth and Development3
CDE A190Family, School and Community Partnerships3
HLED A200Introduction to Public Health3
PSYC A100Introduction to Psychology3
or PSYC A100H Introduction to Psychology Honors
PSYC A110Psychology of Adjustment3
PSYC A130Life Span Developmental Psychology3
PSYC A190Cross-Cultural Psychology3
or PSYC A190H Cross-Cultural Psychology Honors
PSYC A220Psychology of Personality3
PSYC A255Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC A260Social Psychology3
PSYC A270Psychology of Learning3
PSYC A280Introduction to Experimental Methods4
PUBH A200Introduction to Public Health3

Area E: Life Skills, Lifelong Learning, and Self-Development

Students will develop and demonstrate the life skills of interpersonal relationships, self-understanding and management, and decision making for professional success and personal well-being. A minimum of three semester units to include one course from Group One and one course from Group Two.

1. Theory/ Non-activity

Course Title Units
ACCT A100Accounting for Small Business3
ALH A130Applied Pharmacology3
ANTH A105Anthropology of Nonverbal Behavior3
BUS A100Introduction to Business3
or BUS A100H Introduction to Business Honors
BUS A120Personal Financial Success3
CDE A126Teaching in a Diverse Society3
CDE A180Child, Growth and Development3
CDE A190Family, School and Community Partnerships3
CMST A100Interpersonal Communication3
CMST A155Intercultural Communications3
CMST A170Nonverbal Communication3
CHT A100Computer Use in Technology3
CIS A100Introduction to Computer Applications3
CIS A111Introduction to Computer Information Systems3
COS A180Life Management3
COUN A100Introduction To College1
COUN A101New Horizons for Adults Returning to College1
COUN A104Career & Life Planning: A Holistic Approach3
COUN A105Strategies for College Success3
COUN A107Chicana/o & Latina/o Experience and Success in Higher Education3
or COUN A107H Chicana/o & Latina/o Experience and Success in Higher Education Honors
COUN A109Developing and Understanding Happiness3
COUN A110Applied Stress Management2
COUN A120Career Decision Making/Accelerated2
COUN A135Principles of Effective Parenting3
COUN A170College Major Search1
ECON A110Economics of Consumer Finance3
EMS A100Emergency Medical Responder4
FASH A170Clothing Design and Selection3
FN A136Nutrition, Fitness and Performance3
FN A140Introduction to Nutrition Concepts2
FN A170Nutrition3
FN A185Cultural Foods2
HLED A100Personal Health3
HLED A122Drugs, Health and Society3
HLED A200Introduction to Public Health3
HLED A270Fitness and Health3
HTT A185Interviewing and Professional Development3
ID A100Fundamentals of Interior Design3
KIN A202Introduction to Kinesiology3
KIN A203First Aid and CPR2
KIN A270Fitness and Health3
KIN A271Drugs & Sports3
KIN A282Introduction to Exercise Physiology3
KIN A289Sport and Exercise Psychology3
LEAD A180Personal Leadership3
LEAD A200Organizational Leadership3
LIBR A100Library Research and Information Competency3
or LIBR A100H Library Research and Information Competency Honors
LIBR A103College Research Skills1
MKTG A100Introduction to Marketing3
MKTG A110Professional Selling3
PHIL A120Ethics3
PSYC A130Life Span Developmental Psychology3
PSYC A165Principles of Human Sexuality 13
PSYC A200Positive Psychology3
PUBH A100Personal Health3
PUBH A202Drugs, Health, and Society3
SOC A110Introduction to Dating, Relationships, and Marriage3

2. Activity

Course Title Units
ATHL A109Sports Conditioning0.5-2.5
ATHL A119Athletic Team Training0.5-5
ATHL A129Fitness for Performance0.5-2.5
ATHL A222Pep Squad3
ATHL A235Basketball Team - Women's3
ATHL A236Cross Country Team - Women's3
ATHL A238Crew Team - Women's3
ATHL A239Golf Team - Women's3
ATHL A240Soccer Team - Women's3
ATHL A241Fastpitch Team3
ATHL A242Swimming Team - Women's3
ATHL A243Tennis Team - Women's3
ATHL A244Track and Field Team - Women's3
ATHL A245Volleyball Team - Women's3
ATHL A246Water Polo Team - Women's3
ATHL A247Sand Volleyball Team-Women's3
ATHL A250Baseball Team3
ATHL A251Basketball Team - Men's3
ATHL A252Crew Team - Men's3
ATHL A253Cross Country Team - Men's3
ATHL A254Football Team3
ATHL A255Golf Team - Men's3
ATHL A257Soccer Team - Men's3
ATHL A258Swimming Team - Men's3
ATHL A259Tennis Team - Men's3
ATHL A260Track and Field Team - Men's3
ATHL A261Volleyball Team - Men's3
ATHL A263Water Polo Team - Men's3
DANC A101Modern Dance 10.5-2
DANC A102Modern 20.5-2
DANC A106Strength and Stretch1-2
DANC A107Conditioning for Dance0.5-2
DANC A108Pilates Mat Work1-2
DANC A110Ballet 10.5-2
DANC A111Ballet 20.5-2
DANC A115Yoga For Dancers0.5-2
DANC A116Latin Dance Styles I0.5-2
DANC A117American Social Dance Styles0.5-2
DANC A118Movement for Longevity1-2
DANC A120Jazz Dance 10.5-2
DANC A121Jazz Dance 20.5-2
DANC A125Tap 10.5-2
DANC A126Tap 20.5-2
DANC A129Pilates Methodology 11-2
DANC A130Mid-Eastern Dance 10.5-2
DANC A135Flamenco Dance 10.5-2
DANC A138African Dance and Drumming I0.5-2
DANC A139Gyrokinesis0.5-2
DANC A143Jazz Dance III2
DANC A144Ballet III2
DANC A145Modern Dance III2
DANC A148Mid-Eastern Dance 20.5-2
DANC A149Hip-Hop Dance I0.5-2
DANC A150Dance Improvisation I1
DANC A152Pilates Apparatus 11-2
DANC A153Pilates Apparatus 21-2
DANC A155Latin Dance Styles II1
DANC A158African Dance and Drumming II1
DANC A159Hip-Hop Dance II1
DANC A162Dance Composition/Choreography II3
DANC A165Latin Dance Styles III1
DANC A168African Dance and Drumming III1
DANC A169Hip-Hop Dance III1
DANC A171Modern Dance Basics2
DANC A172Ballet Dance Basics2
DANC A173Jazz Dance Basics2
DANC A174Tap Dance Basics1
DANC A199Current Dance Topics0.5-3
DANC A201Rehearsal and Performance I1
DANC A202Rehearsal and Performance II1
DANC A203Performing Dance Ensemble I3
DANC A204Rehearsal and Performance III1
DANC A207Rehearsal and Performance IV1
DANC A208Pilates 3-41-2
DANC A211Repertoire I1-4
DANC A212Repertoire II1-4
DANC A213Repertoire III1-4
DANC A214Repertoire IV1-4
DANC A223Performing Dance Ensemble II3
DANC A243Jazz IV2
DANC A244Ballet IV2
DANC A245Modern IV2
DANC A246Tap IV1
DANC A247Flamenco Dance 31-2
DANC A250Dance Improvisation II1
DANC A253Preparation for Audition - Jazz2
DANC A254Preparation for Audition - Ballet2
DANC A255Preparation for Audition - Modern2
DANC A256Preparation for Audition - Tap1
DANC A262Dance Composition/Choreography III3
KIN A105Cardiovascular Fitness0.5-2.5
KIN A106Weight Training Level 11-2
KIN A107Fitness Programs I0.5-3
KIN A108Strength and Conditioning0.5-3
KIN A109Cardiovascular Training and Strength Development Level 10.5-3
KIN A110Walking for Fitness Level 11-2
KIN A111Step Cardio & Core Level 11-2
KIN A112Body Sculpting Level 11-1.5
KIN A114Cardio-Kick Boxing Level 11-2
KIN A115Cross Training Level 11-2
KIN A118Strength and Conditioning Level 20.5-3
KIN A119Cardiovascular Training and Strength Development Level 20.5-3
KIN A125Self Defense for Women1-2
KIN A126Aikido0.5-1.5
KIN A127Karate0.5-1.5
KIN A128Hatha Yoga - Level I0.5-1.5
KIN A129T'ai Chi Chih0.5-2
KIN A130Aqua Fitness0.5-1.5
KIN A131Swimming for Fitness Level 11-2
KIN A132Swimming Level 11-2
KIN A136Introduction to Sailing1
KIN A137Introduction to Keel Boats1
KIN A138Introduction to Ocean Sailing1
KIN A141Surfing and Ocean Safety Level 12
KIN A145Badminton Level 10.5,1
KIN A146Tennis Level 11-1.5
KIN A147Table Tennis Level 11-2
KIN A150Basketball0.5-1.5
KIN A151Futsal/Indoor Soccer Level 11-2
KIN A152Soccer Level 11-2
KIN A153Golf Level 11-2
KIN A154Volleyball Level 11-1.5
KIN A156Rock Climbing Level 10.5-2
KIN A157Sand Volleyball1-2
KIN A158Flag Football Level 11-2
KIN A159Lacrosse Level 11-2
KIN A170Adapted Strength Training0.5-1.5
KIN A172Adapted Aquatics0.5-1.5
KIN A173Adapted Strength and Balance0.5-1.5
KIN A174Adapted Cardiovascular Fitness0.5-1.5
KIN A175Adapted Aerobic Exercise0.5-1.5
KIN A176Adapted Stretching0.5-1.5
KIN A177Adapted Yoga0.5-1.5
KIN A204Techniques and Theory of Coaching Athletes3
KIN A205Coaching Internship2-4
KIN A206Weight Training Level 21-2
KIN A208Strength and Conditioning Level 30.5-3
KIN A210Walking for Fitness Level 21-2
KIN A214Cardio Kickboxing Level 21-2
KIN A215Cross Tranining Level 21-2
KIN A218Strength and Conditioning Level 40.5-3
KIN A225Self Defense for Women Level 21-2
KIN A228Hatha Yoga Level II0.5-1.5
KIN A231Swimming for Fitness - Level 21-2
KIN A232Swimming Level 21-2
KIN A241Surfing and Ocean Safety Level 22
KIN A245Badminton Level 21-2
KIN A246Tennis Level 21-1.5
KIN A247Table Tennis - Level 21-2
KIN A251Futsal/Indoor Soccer Level 21-2
KIN A252Soccer Level 21-2
KIN A253Golf Level 21-2
KIN A254Volleyball Level21-1.5
KIN A256Rock Climbing Level 21-2
KIN A257Surfing and Ocean Safety Level 32
KIN A258Flag Football Level 21-2
KIN A259Lacrosse Level 21-2
MARA A136Introduction to Sailing1
MARA A137Intermediate Sailing - Intro to Keel Boats1
MARA A138Introduction to Ocean Sailing1