Academic Catalogs

Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Arts and Humanities, Associate in Arts Degree

Banner Code: 2_AA_LAAH

Control Number: 19435

Financial Aid Eligible

This program is designed for students who desire a broad knowledge of liberal arts and sciences, plus additional course work in an “Area of Emphasis.” This program would be an ideal choice for students planning on transferring to the California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC), as the student may satisfy their general education requirements plus focus on transferable course work relating to baccalaureate majors at these institutions. Because admission and major preparation requirements vary at each transfer institution, courses used to fulfill requirements for an emphasis should be selected with the assistance of GWC Counselor.

All courses included in this major are transferable to the California State University (CSU) system, and the majority are transferable to the University of California (UC) system. The courses, with the appropriate selections made, will meet major preparation for entry to baccalaureate degree programs in Visual and Performing Arts, Languages, Literature, and History fields. 

Program Level Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Evaluate the ways in which people through the ages in different cultures have responded to themselves and the world around them in artistic and cultural creation.
  2. Apply aesthetic knowledge in contextualized settings.
  3. Demonstrate contributions from various disciplines to current society. 

Review Graduation Requirements and General Education.

Course Title Units
Select 18 units of coursework, including two or more disciplines of the following:18
ART G100Introduction to Art3
ART G105Survey of Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages3
ART G106Survey of Art from Renaissance to Contemporary3
ART G107Color and Design: 2D3
ART G109Color and Design: 3D3
ART G115Typography3
ART G116Drawing 13
ART G117Drawing 23
ART G118Life Drawing 13
ART G119Life Drawing 23
ART G121Ceramics 13
ART G122Ceramics 23
ART G123Race and Ethnicity in American Art3
ART G128Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America3
ART G130Painting 13
ART G131Painting 23
ART G139History of Graphic Design3
ART G142Sculpture 13
ART G143Sculpture 23
ART G150Printmaking 13
ART G158History and Aesthetics of Photography3
CMST G180Introduction to Mass Communication3
CMST G255Intercultural Communication3
or ETHS G255 Intercultural Communication
DANC G100Modern Dance 1 - Beginning2
DANC G101Viewing Dance3
DANC G120Ballet 1 - Beginning2
DANC G125Jazz Dance 1 - Beginning2
ENGL G110Critical Thinking, Reading And Writing Through Literature4
ENGL G112Appreciation Of Literature3
ENGL G114Great Myths And Legends3
ENGL G143Children's Literature3
ENGL G150American Literature through the Civil War (1865)3
ENGL G155American Literature 1865 To The Present3
ENGL G160Masterpieces of World Literature I (From Antiquity to the Mid-17th Century)3
ENGL G161Masterpieces of World Literature II (From the Mid-17th Century to the Present)3
ENGL G181Shakespeare3
ENGL G270British Literature to 18003
ENGL G275British Literature Since 18003
ENGL G280Creative Writing3
ENGL G281Creative Writing: Prose3
HIST G120Asian Civilizations3
HIST G121History of American Women3
HIST G150History of Latin America3
HIST G155Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories3
or ETHS G150 Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories
HIST G161World History 13
HIST G162World History 23
HIST G170History Of The United States To 18763
HIST G175History of the United States Since 18763
HIST G180Western Civilization 13
HIST G185Western Civilization 23
MUS G101History & Appreciation Of Music3
MUS G103World Music3
MUS G105Beginning Guitar I1
MUS G108History and Appreciation of The Musical Theater3
or THEA G108 History and Appreciation of the Musical Theater
MUS G115Basic Music3
MUS G141Piano 11
MUS G142Beginning Piano II1
MUS G143History of Jazz3
MUS G145Basic Voice2
MUS G139History Of Rock Music3
MUS G209Symphonic Band, Advanced Skills2
PHIL G100Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL G102History of Ancient Philosophy3
PHIL G110Philosophy Of The East3
PHIL G111Philosophy of Religion - Western3
PHIL G115Logic and Critical Thinking3
PHIL G120Ethics3
PHIL G150Political Theory3
or PSCI G150 Political Theory
PHOT G120Darkroom Photography 13
PHOT G190Digital Photography 13
PSCI G150Political Theory3
THEA G100Introduction to the Theater3
THEA G102History and Appreciation of The Cinema3
THEA G106Acting 13
THEA G108History and Appreciation of the Musical Theater3
THEA G110Acting For The Camera3
THEA G111Theater History and Literature - Classical to 18003
THEA G112Theater History and Literature - 1800 to Modern3
THEA G115Theater Practicum 1 - Performance1,2
THEA G120Appreciation of the Theater3
THEA G125Play Performance 11,2
THEA G135Classical Play Performance 11,2
THEA G175Stage Scenery3
THEA G176Stage Lighting3
THEA G177Make-Up3
THEA G178Introduction to Stage Costume3
THEA G188Stage Movement 13
THEA G210Musical Theater Performance 12
SIGN G180American Sign Language 14
SIGN G185American Sign Language 24
SIGN G280American Sign Language 34
SIGN G285American Sign Language 44
SPAN G160Spanish for Spanish Speakers 15
SPAN G165Spanish for Spanish Speakers 25
SPAN G180Elementary Spanish 15
SPAN G185Elementary Spanish 25
SPAN G280Intermediate Spanish 14
SPAN G285Intermediate Spanish 24
VIET G180Elementary Vietnamese 15
VIET G185Elementary Vietnamese 25
VIET G280Intermediate Vietnamese 14
VIET G285Intermediate Vietnamese 24
Major Total18
GE Pattern (Local, CSU GE-Breadth, or IGETC)18-39
Total Hours18