Academic Catalogs

Liberal Arts: Emphasis in Science, Associate in Arts Degree

Banner Code: 2_AA_LASCI

Control Number: 19438

Financial Aid Eligible

This program is designed for students who desire a broad knowledge of liberal arts and sciences, plus additional course work in an “Area of Emphasis.” This program would be an ideal choice for students planning on transferring to the California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC), as the student may satisfy their general education requirements plus focus on transferable course work relating to baccalaureate majors at these institutions. Because admission and major preparation requirements vary at each transfer institution, courses used to fulfill requirements for an emphasis should be selected with the assistance of GWC Counselor.

Program Level Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Develop an interdisciplinary perspective on the natural world by applying the scientific method to scientific problems.
  2. Use a variety of experimental and analytical techniques.
  3. Use a variety of data collection and display methods.

Review Graduation Requirements and General Education.

Course Title Units
Choose any combination of the following list to total at least 18 units: 118
ANTH G185Physical Anthropology3
ANTH G185LPhysical Anthropology Lab1
ASTR G100Introduction to Astronomy3
ASTR G100LIntroduction to Astronomy Lab1
BIOL G100Introduction to Biology4
BIOL G101The Biology of Food and Cooking3
BIOL G104Marine Life3
BIOL G104LMarine Life Laboratory1
BIOL G110Ecology and Field Biology3
BIOL G120Health and Disease3
BIOL G186Diversity of Organisms5
BIOL G219Human Anatomy Discussion1
BIOL G221Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology4
BIOL G160Physiology and Disease Mechanisms3
BIOL G225Human Physiology4
BIOL G180Cell and Molecular Biology5
BIOL G182Zoology4
BIOL G183Botany4
BIOL G200Pharmacology - Medications and Drugs3
BIOL G210General Microbiology5
CHEM G110Introduction To Chemistry5
CHEM G130Preparation for General Chemistry4
CHEM G180General Chemistry A5
CHEM G185General Chemistry B5
CHEM G220Organic Chemistry A5
CHEM G225Organic Chemistry B5
GEOG G130Introduction to Weather and Climate3
GEOG G180Physical Geography3
GEOG G180LPhysical Geography Laboratory1
GEOL G110Physical Geology4
GEOL G120Historical Geology4
GEOL G105General Geology3
GEOL G106Earth Science For Teachers4
PHSC G100Introductory Physical Science4
PHYS G110Conceptual Physics3
PHYS G111Conceptual Physics Lab1
PHYS G120Algebra Based Physics: Mechanics4
PHYS G125Algebra Based Physics: Electricity/Magnetism4
PHYS G185Calculus Based Physics: Mechanics4
PHYS G280Calculus Based Physics: Electricity/Magnetism4
PHYS G285Calculus Based Physics: Modern4
PSYC G250Psychobiology3
MATHOne class at level Math G115 or above
BIOL G220Human Anatomy4
Major Total18
GE Pattern (Local, CSU GE-Breadth, or IGETC)18-39
Total Units60

Must include three courses that include a laboratory. Students should check with a counselor to see which courses will transfer to their target university.