Academic Catalogs

Political Science, Associate in Arts Degree for Transfer

Banner Code: 2_AAT_POLS

Control Number: 31124

Financial Aid Eligible

Political Science is the rigorous study of governments and related institutions, public policies, and political behavior both in the United States and abroad. This field of study is increasingly crucial in today’s complex world. Social, economic, environmental, and moral issues have political implications; the policy decisions of governments both at home and abroad affect all aspects of our daily lives. Studying politics involves an understanding of the basic rights and responsibilities of citizens, new insights into the political phenomena, as well as a heightened awareness and engagement in domestic and international issues. The goal of the Associate of Arts Degree for Transfer is to introduce students to the field of political science and to provide students with a worldview of different political systems within the context of domestic and global forces, international conflicts, ideological systems and diversity. Courses in this major are designed to introduce students to the primary subfields of political science and to encourage students to engage in discussions, debates, and problem-solving activities. This program’s courses will equip students with specialized analytical thinking, quantitative and qualitative reasoning, and argumentation and communication skills with which to examine, discuss, and predict critical issues that affect their everyday lives. This analytical framework will prepare students for various careers and will allow them to make valuable contributions to any vocation or enterprise they pursue. Students who successfully complete this degree will be prepared for transfer to pursue a baccalaureate degree in Political Science or related field. 

Program Level Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Examine political science subfields and their relevant theories, concepts, and methodology. 
  2. Analyze domestic and international political institutions, processes, and behavior.
  3. Apply social science research methods to key political issues.
  4. Examine factors that shape politics and policymaking including race, ethnicity, gender, class, political culture, political socialization, media, political ideologies, political movements, and public opinion.
  5. Assess potential solutions to political and policy problems.

Associate Degree for Transfer Graduation Requirements

Associate Degrees for Transfer require students to meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units of degree-applicable courses,
  • Minimum overall grade point average of 2.0,
  • Minimum grade of “C” (or “P”) for each course in the major, and
  • Completion of IGETC and/or CSU GE-Breadth.

Students should consult a GWC counselor in order to select the best pathway to meet their educational goals. For students who intend to transfer, the choice of general education will be specific to both their major and transfer institution.

Course Title Units
Required Core (Select 3 courses) 9
PSCI G180American Government3
or PSCI G181 American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
or ETHS G181 American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
PSCI G150Political Theory3
PSCI G185Comparative Politics3
PSCI G110International Relations3
List A
Select two of the following:6-9
Any course not selected from Core
PSCI G100Introduction To Political Science3
MATH G160Introduction To Statistics3-6
or MATH G160S Introduction to Statistics with Support
or PSYC G140 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
or SOC G125 Introduction to Statistics in Sociology
or ECON G160 Statistics for Business and Economics
SOC G200Introduction to Research Methods3
PSCI G101Survey Of Current Issues3
PSCI G130Law In American Society3
PSCI G103Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues3
or ETHS G103 Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues
List B
Select one of the following:3
Any course from above NOT already taken
ECON G110Economic Issues and Policy3
ECON G130Environmental Economics and Policy3
ECON G135Political Economy3
ECON G175Principles of Macroeconomics3
GLST G102Global Issues3
GLST G130Social Movements3
or ETHS G130 Social Movements
GLST G150Middle East Studies3
HIST G162World History 23
HIST G185Western Civilization 23
SOC G111Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities3
or ETHS G111 Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities
Major Total18-21
GE Pattern (CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC)37-39
Total units that may be double-counted15
Transferable Electives (as needed to reach 60 units)18-20
Total Units60

Recommended Program Sequence

These sequences are general course maps for students to finish all major and general education requirements for two-year completion of degrees, completion of short-term certificates, and/or fulfillment of transfer requirements. However, this may not be an appropriate path for all students.  The two-year sequence is based on English and Math placement and meeting other course prerequisites. Students are advised to meet with a GWC Counselor to review course selections and sequences to ensure that completion of this program will meet a student's transfer and career goals.

Year 1:

Course Title Units
Semester 1
PSCI G180American Government (Area D: Social & Behavioral Science course)3
or PSCI G181 American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
PSCI G100Introduction To Political Science (recommended as LIST A requirement)3
Area A1: Oral Communication course3
Area A2: Written Communication course4-6
Area C1: Arts course3
Course Title Units
Semester 2
Area A3: Critical Thinking course3-4
Area B4: Statistics course3-6
HIST G170History Of The United States To 18763
or HIST G175 History of the United States Since 1876
Select one of the following NOT already taken:3
PSCI G110International Relations3
PSCI G185Comparative Politics3
PSCI G150Political Theory3

Year 2:

Course Title Units
Semester 3
Area B1: Physical Science course (with or without lab) *3-4
CSU Transferable elective coursework6-8
Select one of the following NOT already taken:3
PSCI G110International Relations3
PSCI G150Political Theory3
PSCI G185Comparative Politics3
Course Title Units
Semester 4
Area B2: Life Science course (with or without lab) *3-4
Area F: Ethnic Studies course3
CSU Transferable elective coursework to reach a minimum of 60 units3-6
Select one of the following NOT already taken:3
GLST G102Global Issues3
GLST G130Social Movements3
GLST G150Middle East Studies3
PSCI G101Survey Of Current Issues3
PSCI G103Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues3
or ETHS G103 Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues
PSCI G110International Relations3
PSCI G150Political Theory3
PSCI G185Comparative Politics3
HIST G162World History 23
HIST G185Western Civilization 23
ECON G110Economic Issues and Policy3
ECON G130Environmental Economics and Policy3
ECON G135Political Economy3
ECON G175Principles of Macroeconomics3
SOC G111Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities3
CSU Transferable elective coursework to reach a minimum of 60 units
Total minimum units required60

Program sequence may not be recommended for students who self-place into ENGL G100S. Students should see a Counselor for appropriate advisement.


Either B1 or B2 must include a lab