Academic Catalogs

Theater (THEA)

THEA G001N108 Hours (108 lab hours)  
Theater Performance and Production for Lifelong Learners  
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course provides practical participation in the performance and technical theater aspects of live theatrical productions presented to the community. Genres will include classical and contemporary plays and musicals presented at Golden West College. Performers will learn acting, dance, solo and choral singing, and audition techniques. Technical theater students will develop technical proficiency in theater production, stage management and production coordination. Performers and technicians will be selected through the audition/interview process. Noncredit. Open Entry/Open Exit. Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress. NOT DEGREE APPLICABLE.

Catalog Program Pages Referencing THEA G001N