Music (MUS)
MUS G002N54 Hours (18 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)
Symphonic Band for Lifelong Learners
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course is designed to further the skills of experienced musicians who play woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. Students will explore new band literature as well as techniques and methods for improving and maintaining performance success oriented toward older adults.
Open Entry/Open Exit.
Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress.
Catalog Program Pages Referencing MUS G002N
MUS G012N54 Hours (18 lecture hours; 36 lab hours)
Singing for Lifelong Learners
Grading Mode: P/NP/SP Noncredit
Not Transferable.
This noncredit course is designed for older adults who want to sing. Students will work on songs in a class setting in preparation for performance for their peers. Emotional communication through song will be explored as students learn the ways that tone, pitch, and dynamics shape vocal expression. Students will benefit from breathing and stretching exercises to develop vocal flexibility and lung capacity. Students will also increase mental acuity through the memorization of song and practicing sight reading skills. This class will develop self-confidence, socialization skills, and provide an outlet for creative expression.
Open Entry/Open Exit.
Pass/No Pass/Satisfactory Progress.