Academic Catalogs

Liberal Studies (for Teaching), Associate of Arts Degree

Banner Code: 3_AA_LIBS

Control Number: 18002

Financial Aid Eligible

The Liberal Studies/Teaching Degree offers future elementary school teachers an articulated transfer pathway and career ladder for a B.A. in Liberal Studies and the multiple-subject teaching credential. The focus of the degree is on content knowledge needed to teach in a K-8 setting and education courses that include early fieldwork opportunities for observation and practice. Coursework prepares students for the Multiple Subject CSET exam as required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing for elementary school teachers in both regular and special education. Selected courses are also aligned with the multiple subject credential CSET waiver, depending on transfer institution and course. As a standalone degree without transfer the A.A., aligned with the requirements for No Child Left Behind, helps students become effective elementary school paraprofessionals in regular or special education classrooms. The degree is also appropriate for students pursuing a career other than in elementary school teaching (such as tutors and parents providing homeschooling) who would like their course of studies and degree recognition to include an emphasis in liberal studies and teacher preparation curricula. Students may select courses to simultaneously earn the Certificate in Educational Studies as well.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Apply knowledge, skills, experience, and feedback to make an informed choice to be employed or to continue study in the field of education.
  2. Document preliminary subject matter competency and ability to work effectively with students, teachers, parents, colleagues, and administrators in a school and classroom setting.

Review Graduation Requirements and General Education

Course Title Units
Required Core
Area A - English Language, Communication and Critical Thinking
Select one course from each of the following areas:
A1-Oral Communication
CMST C110Public Speaking3
A2-Written Communication
ENGL C100Freshman Composition4
A3-Critical Thinking
ENGL C102Critical Reasoning, Reading, and Writing3
or PHIL C115 Logic and Critical Thinking
Area B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning
Select at least one course from each of the following areas: 1
B1-Physical Science
Select at least one of the following:3-4
Survey of Chemistry and Physics 3
Survey of Chemistry and Physics
General Geology
Earth Sciences for Teachers 3
B2-Biological Science
BIOL C100Introduction to Biology3-4
or BIOL C100C Introduction to Biology Lecture/Lab
B3-Laboratory Activity
BIOL C100LIntroduction to Biology Lab1
or GEOL C105L Geology Lab
B4-Math/Quantitative Reasoning
Select at least one of the following:3
Statistics for Elementary Teachers
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Geometry for Elementary Teachers
Area C - Arts and Humanities
Select at least one course from each area plus one additional course from either area.9
History and Appreciation of Music
Introduction to Theater
Critical Reasoning, Reading, and Writing
Appreciation of Literature
American Literature through the Civil War
American Literature 1865 to Present
British Literature to 1800
British Literature since 1800
Area D - Social Sciences
Select a US History course and an American Government course and at least one additional course from Area D.9
United States History to 1876
American Government
Select one of the following:
World Regional Geography
History of California
World History 1
Area E - Lifelong Learning
PSYC C116Child Growth and Development3
Additional Requirements
EDUC C103Introduction to Computers in Education: Technology Proficiencies for Teachers 12
EDUC C104Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contemporary Classrooms Includes 10 hours of required fieldwork/observations1
EDUC C200The Teaching Profession Includes 45 hours of required fieldwork/tutoring3.5
Suggested Electives
Select additional courses to complete at least 60 units. 2
Tutor Training Includes a three-hour service learning component
Family, School, and Community Partnerships Includes 10 hours of required fieldwork/observations
Introduction to Special Education Includes 10 hours of required fieldwork/observations
Children's Literature
Personal Health
Units Required for Major47.5-49.5
Local General Education, CSU General Education, or IGETC patternVaries
Electives to satisfy units requirementVaries
Total Units for Degree60

Note for Area B3: The following courses also meet Area B3 (Lab Component) Biology C100C (B2, B3) Geology C106 (B1, B3) Chemistry/Physics C140 (B1, B3).


Select courses based on the program requirements at the University you would like to transfer to. See your counselor when selecting these courses.


Meets both Areas B1 and B3