Academic Catalogs

2024-2025 CSU General Education Breadth

Students must complete a minimum of 39 units of coursework from Areas A through F including the specific requirements listed for each Area.  A grade of “C” or better is required for all courses in Area A, the mathematics course in Area B4 and at least 30 of the units completed in Areas A through F. Grades of “credit/pass” can be used if equivalent to a “C.” One course may not be used to satisfy more than one general education requirement.

See CSU GE Certificate of Achievement information below.

AREA A: English Language Communication and Critical Thinking

9 semester (or 12-15 quarter units) required with at least one course each from A1, A2 and A3.

Course Title Units
A1: Oral Communication
CMST G100Interpersonal Communication3
CMST G110Public Speaking3
CMST G112Small Group Dynamics3
A2: Written Communication
ENGL G100Freshman Composition4
ENGL G100SFreshman Composition with Support6
A3: Critical Thinking
CMST G220Essentials of Argumentation3
ENGL G110Critical Thinking, Reading And Writing Through Literature4
PHIL G115Logic and Critical Thinking3
PHIL G125Critical Reasoning and Writing3
PSYC G130Critical Thinking in Psychology3

AREA B: Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning

9 semester (or 12-15 quarter units) required with at least one course each from Physical Science, Life Science (at least one to contain a laboratory component) and Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning. Courses with an (*) have a laboratory component.

Course Title Units
B1: Physical Science
ASTR G100Introduction to Astronomy3
ASTR G100LIntroduction to Astronomy Lab *1
CHEM G110Introduction To Chemistry *5
CHEM G130Preparation for General Chemistry *4
CHEM G180General Chemistry A *5
CHEM G185General Chemistry B *5
CHEM G220Organic Chemistry A *5
CHEM G225Organic Chemistry B *5
GEOG G130Introduction to Weather and Climate3
GEOG G180Physical Geography3
GEOG G180LPhysical Geography Laboratory *1
GEOL G105General Geology3
GEOL G106Earth Science For Teachers *4
GEOL G110Physical Geology *4
GEOL G120Historical Geology *4
PHSC G100Introductory Physical Science *4
PHYS G110Conceptual Physics3
PHYS G111Conceptual Physics Lab *1
PHYS G120Algebra Based Physics: Mechanics *4
PHYS G125Algebra Based Physics: Electricity/Magnetism *4
PHYS G185Calculus Based Physics: Mechanics *4
PHYS G280Calculus Based Physics: Electricity/Magnetism *4
PHYS G285Calculus Based Physics: Modern *4
B2: Life Science
ANTH G185Physical Anthropology3
ANTH G185LPhysical Anthropology Lab *1
BIOL G100Introduction to Biology *4
BIOL G101The Biology of Food and Cooking3
BIOL G104Marine Life3
BIOL G104LMarine Life Laboratory *1
BIOL G110Ecology and Field Biology *3
BIOL G120Health and Disease *3
BIOL G160Physiology and Disease Mechanisms3
BIOL G180Cell and Molecular Biology *5
BIOL G182Zoology *4
BIOL G183Botany *4
BIOL G186Diversity of Organisms *5
BIOL G210General Microbiology *5
BIOL G220Human Anatomy *4
BIOL G221Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology *4
BIOL G225Human Physiology *4
PSYC G250Psychobiology3
B3: Laboratory Activity
Any course with a (*) in Area B1 or B2 meets this requirement
B4: Mathematics
CS G262Discrete Structures3
ECON G105Consumer and Financial Math3
ECON G115Game Theory3
ECON G160Statistics for Business and Economics3
MATH G100Liberal Arts Mathematics3
MATH G103Statistics For Elementary Teachers3
MATH G104Mathematics For Elementary Teachers3
MATH G115College Algebra4
MATH G115SCollege Algebra with Support6
MATH G120Trigonometry3
MATH G140Business Calculus4
MATH G140SBusiness Calculus with Support6
MATH G160Introduction To Statistics4
MATH G160SIntroduction to Statistics with Support6
MATH G170Precalculus4
MATH G180Calculus 14
MATH G185Calculus 24
MATH G235Applied Linear Algebra4
MATH G280Calculus 34
MATH G285Introduction to Linear Algebra and Differential Equations5
PSYC G140Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences4
SOC G125Introduction to Statistics in Sociology3

AREA C: Arts and Humanities

9 semester units (or 12-15 quarter units) required with at least one course each in Arts and Humanities.

Course Title Units
C1: Arts
ART G100Introduction to Art3
ART G103Survey of Asian Art3
ART G104Survey of Modern and Contemporary Art3
ART G105Survey of Art from Prehistory through the Middle Ages3
ART G106Survey of Art from Renaissance to Contemporary3
ART G107Color and Design: 2D3
ART G116Drawing 13
ART G121Ceramics 13
ART G123Race and Ethnicity in American Art3
or ETHS G123 Race and Ethnicity in American Art
ART G127Art of the Ancient Americas3
ART G128Arts of Africa, Oceania, and Indigenous North America3
ART G129History of Photography3
ART G130Painting 13
ART G139History of Graphic Design3
ART G142Sculpture 13
ART G150Printmaking 13
DANC G101Viewing Dance3
ETHS G123Race and Ethnicity in American Art3
or ART G123 Race and Ethnicity in American Art
MUS G101History & Appreciation Of Music3
MUS G103World Music3
MUS G108History and Appreciation of The Musical Theater3
MUS G115Basic Music3
MUS G139History Of Rock Music3
MUS G143History of Jazz3
MUS G145Basic Voice2
PHOT G120Darkroom Photography 13
THEA G100Introduction to the Theater3
THEA G102History and Appreciation of The Cinema3
THEA G106Acting 13
THEA G108History and Appreciation of the Musical Theater3
THEA G111Theater History and Literature - Classical to 18003
THEA G112Theater History and Literature - 1800 to Modern3
THEA G120Appreciation of the Theater3
THEA G175Stage Scenery3
THEA G176Stage Lighting3
THEA G177Make-Up3
THEA G178Introduction to Stage Costume3
THEA G210Musical Theater Performance 12
C2: Humanities
ANTH G190Introduction to Linguistics3
CMST G180Introduction to Mass Communication3
ENGL G110Critical Thinking, Reading And Writing Through Literature4
ENGL G112Appreciation Of Literature3
ENGL G114Great Myths And Legends3
ENGL G143Children's Literature3
ENGL G147Introduction to Science Fiction3
ENGL G150American Literature through the Civil War (1865)3
ENGL G155American Literature 1865 To The Present3
ENGL G160Masterpieces of World Literature I (From Antiquity to the Mid-17th Century)3
ENGL G161Masterpieces of World Literature II (From the Mid-17th Century to the Present)3
ENGL G181Shakespeare3
ENGL G270British Literature to 18003
ENGL G275British Literature Since 18003
ENGL G281Creative Writing: Prose3
ETHS G121History of American Women #3
or HIST G121 History of American Women
GLST G150Middle East Studies3
HIST G110Economic History Of The United States3
HIST G120Asian Civilizations3
HIST G121History of American Women #3
or ETHS G121 History of American Women
HIST G150History of Latin America3
HIST G161World History 13
HIST G162World History 23
HIST G170History Of The United States To 1876 #3
HIST G175History of the United States Since 1876 #3
HIST G180Western Civilization 13
HIST G185Western Civilization 23
PHIL G100Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL G102History of Ancient Philosophy3
PHIL G110Philosophy Of The East3
PHIL G111Philosophy of Religion - Western3
PHIL G120Ethics3
PHIL G140History of Modern Philosophy3
PHIL G150Political Theory3
or PSCI G150 Political Theory
SIGN G180American Sign Language 14
SIGN G185American Sign Language 24
SIGN G200Deaf Culture3
SIGN G280American Sign Language 34
SIGN G285American Sign Language 44
SPAN G160Spanish for Spanish Speakers 15
SPAN G165Spanish for Spanish Speakers 25
SPAN G180Elementary Spanish 15
SPAN G185Elementary Spanish 25
SPAN G200Mexican Culture and Civilization3
SPAN G280Intermediate Spanish 14
SPAN G285Intermediate Spanish 24
VIET G180Elementary Vietnamese 15
VIET G185Elementary Vietnamese 25
VIET G280Intermediate Vietnamese 14
VIET G285Intermediate Vietnamese 24

AREA D: Social Sciences

6 semester units (or 8-11 quarter units), the two lower division Area D courses can be from the same discipline, provided the student takes an upper division Area D course from a different discipline.

Course Title Units
ANTH G100Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH G130Introduction to Archaeology3
ANTH G140Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion3
ANTH G150Native Peoples of North America3
ANTH G190Introduction to Linguistics3
ANTH G200Gender, Culture, and Society3
BUS G100Introduction To Business3
CJ G123Juvenile Law3
CJ G140Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJ G141Concepts of Criminal Law3
CJ G150Introduction To Corrections3
CMST G180Introduction to Mass Communication3
CMST G225Negotiation and Mediation3
CMST G255Intercultural Communication3
or ETHS G255 Intercultural Communication
CMST G260Organizational Communication3
CMST G265Gender Communication3
ECON G110Economic Issues and Policy3
ECON G130Environmental Economics and Policy3
ECON G135Political Economy3
ECON G170Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON G175Principles of Macroeconomics3
EDUC G180Family, School, and Community Partnerships3
ETHS G101Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
or SOC G101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies
ETHS G103Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues3
or PSCI G103 Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues
ETHS G111Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities3
or SOC G111 Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities
ETHS G120 Critical Geographies of Race/Ethnicity in the United States3
or GEOG G120 Critical Geographies of Race/Ethnicity in the United States
ETHS G121History of American Women #3
or HIST G121 History of American Women
ETHS G130Social Movements3
or GLST G130 Social Movements
ETHS G133Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
or SOC G133 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
ETHS G134 Introduction to Chicana/o Studies3
or SOC G134 Introduction to Chicana/o Studies
ETHS G135Introduction to Native American Studies3
or SOC G135 Introduction to Native American Studies
ETHS G136Introduction to Black and African American Studies3
or SOC G136 Introduction to Black and African American Studies
ETHS G137Introduction to Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies3
or SOC G137 Introduction to Asian American and Pacific Islander
ETHS G140California History3
or HIST G140 California History
ETHS G150Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories #3
or HIST G155 Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories
ETHS G167Psychology of Racism and Oppression3
or PSYC G167 Psychology of Racism and Oppression
ETHS G181American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity #3
or PSCI G181 American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
ETHS G255Intercultural Communication3
or CMST G255 Intercultural Communication
GEOG G100World Regional Geography3
GEOG G120Critical Geographies of Race/Ethnicity in the United States3
or ETHS G120 Critical Geographies of Race/Ethnicity in the United States
GEOG G185Human Geography3
GLST G101Introduction to Global Studies3
GLST G102Global Issues3
HLED G220Introduction to Public Health3
GLST G130Social Movements3
or ETHS G130 Social Movements
GLST G150Middle East Studies3
HIST G110Economic History Of The United States3
HIST G120Asian Civilizations3
HIST G121History of American Women #3
or ETHS G121 History of American Women
HIST G140California History3
or ETHS G140 California History
HIST G150History of Latin America3
HIST G155Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories #3
or ETHS G150 Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories
HIST G161World History 13
HIST G162World History 23
HIST G170History Of The United States To 1876 #3
HIST G175History of the United States Since 1876 #3
HIST G180Western Civilization 13
HIST G185Western Civilization 23
PHIL G150Political Theory3
or PSCI G150 Political Theory
PSCI G100Introduction To Political Science3
PSCI G101Survey Of Current Issues3
PSCI G110International Relations3
PSCI G103Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues3
or ETHS G103 Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues
PSCI G130Law In American Society3
PSCI G150Political Theory3
or PHIL G150 Political Theory
PSCI G180American Government #3
PSCI G181American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity #3
or ETHS G181 American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity
PSCI G185Comparative Politics3
PSYC G100Introduction To Psychology3
PSYC G110Psychology of Adjustment3
PSYC G116Child Growth and Development3
PSYC G118Life Span Developmental Psychology3
PSYC G165Principles of Human Sexuality 13
PSYC G167Psychology of Racism and Oppression3
or ETHS G167 Psychology of Racism and Oppression
PSYC G250Psychobiology3
PSYC G255Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC G260Social Psychology3
PSYC G280Research Methods in Psychology4
SOC G100Introduction To Sociology3
SOC G101Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
or ETHS G101 Introduction to Ethnic Studies
SOC G110Introduction To Marriage And The Family3
SOC G111Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities3
or ETHS G111 Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities
SOC G115Introduction to LGBTQ Studies3
SOC G133Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
or ETHS G133 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
SOC G134Introduction to Chicana/o Studies3
or ETHS G134 Introduction to Chicana/o Studies
SOC G135Introduction to Native American Studies3
or ETHS G135 Introduction to Native American Studies
SOC G136Introduction to Black and African American Studies3
or ETHS G136 Introduction to Black and African American Studies
SOC G137Introduction to Asian American and Pacific Islander3
or ETHS G137 Introduction to Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies
SOC G140Introduction to Gender3
SOC G160Sociology of Criminology3
SOC G185Analysis of Social Problems3
SOC G200Introduction to Research Methods3
SPAN G200Mexican Culture and Civilization3

AREA E: Lifelong Learning and Self-Development

3 semester units (or 4-5 quarter units).
No more than 1 semester unit of activity courses may be used to meet this requirement.
Military discharge certificate DD Form 214 will satisfy this requirement.

Course Title Units
COLL G100Becoming A Successful Student3
COUN G104Career And Life Planning3
COUN G105Strategies for College Success3
COUN G150Planning for Arts, Languages, and Humanities3
COUN G151Planning for Business3
COUN G152Planning for Health Science, Nursing and Kinesiology3
COUN G153Planning for Social and Behavioral Sciences3
COUN G154Planning for STEM (Computer Science, Engineering, Physics and Math)3
COUN G155Planning for STEM (Biological and Physical Sciences)3
COUN G156Planning for Teaching3
GLST G100Global Citizenship3
GLST G230Global Leadership: Concepts and Skills3
HLED G100Personal Health3
HLED G107Drugs, Health, and Society3
HLED G135Nutrition and Health3
HLED G220Introduction to Public Health3
KIN G100Introduction to Kinesiology3
KIN G101First Aid/Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation3
KIN G110Mental Skills for Performance3
PE G103Exercise For Healthy Living (and one course from the list of activity courses)2
PSYC G110Psychology of Adjustment3
PSYC G116Child Growth and Development3
PSYC G118Life Span Developmental Psychology3
PSYC G165Principles of Human Sexuality 13
ATHL G203Sports Conditioning0.5-2
ATHL G210Intercollegiate Sports Off Season Training0.5-2
ATHL G235Basketball Team - Women3
ATHL G236Basketball Team - Men3
ATHL G239Softball Team - Women3
ATHL G240Baseball Team3
ATHL G243Cross Country Team - Women3
ATHL G244Cross Country Team - Men3
ATHL G246Football Team3
ATHL G249Soccer Team - Women3
ATHL G250Soccer Team - Men3
ATHL G253Swimming Team - Women3
ATHL G254Swimming Team - Men3
ATHL G255Track Team - Women3
ATHL G256Track Team - Men3
ATHL G259Volleyball Team - Women3
ATHL G260Volleyball Team - Men3
ATHL G263Water Polo Team - Women3
ATHL G264Water Polo Team - Men3
ATHL G279Beach Volleyball - Women3
DANC G100Modern Dance 1 - Beginning2
DANC G105Strength and Stretch1
DANC G106Strength and Stretch 2 - Intermediate1
DANC G115Tap Dance 1 - Beginning2
DANC G119Hip Hop Dance2
DANC G120Ballet 1 - Beginning2
DANC G125Jazz Dance 1 - Beginning2
DANC G130Dance For Musical Theater2
DANC G135Mid-Eastern Dance0.5-1
DANC G145Modern Dance 2 - Intermediate2
DANC G150Tap Dance 2 - Intermediate2
DANC G160Contemporary Dance Styles2
DANC G200Modern Dance 3 - Advanced2
DANC G201Modern Dance 4 - Professional2
DANC G215Tap Dance 3 - Advanced2
DANC G230Choreography2
PE G101Jogging for Fitness1
PE G105Adapted Strength And Fitness1
PE G108Adapted Aquatics1
PE G111Swimming1
PE G114Surfing1
PE G126Pickleball1
PE G130Yoga1
PE G132Pilates For Fitness1
PE G150Badminton1
PE G158Tennis1
PE G166Circuit Weight Training0.5-2
PE G173Introduction To Weight Training1
PE G176Total Fitness For Women1
PE G178Cardiovascular Laboratory0.5-1
PE G186Activities - Basketball0.5-1
PE G192Soccer1
PE G195Volleyball0.5-1
PE G196Sand Volleyball0.5-1

AREA F: Ethnic Studies

3 semester units (or 4 quarter units).

Course Title Units
ETHS G103Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues3
or PSCI G103 Race, Ethnicity and Political Issues
ETHS G111Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities3
or SOC G111 Social Justice and U.S. Ethnic Communities
ETHS G120 Critical Geographies of Race/Ethnicity in the United States3
or GEOG G120 Critical Geographies of Race/Ethnicity in the United States
ETHS G133Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
or SOC G133 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity
ETHS G134 Introduction to Chicana/o Studies3
or SOC G134 Introduction to Chicana/o Studies
ETHS G150Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories #3
or HIST G155 Ethnic Groups of the United States: Their Histories
ETHS G167Psychology of Racism and Oppression3
or PSYC G167 Psychology of Racism and Oppression
ETHS G181American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity #3
or PSCI G181 American Government: The Politics of Race and Ethnicity

CSU GE, Certificate of Achievement

This Certificate of Achievement is designed for students who intend to transfer to a California State University campus. Students who complete this certificate will meet all lower division general education requirements for CSU. Students must complete a minimum of 9 additional upper division general education units after transfer. Courses on this list are approved for a specific academic year. A course can be used only if it is on the list when it is taken by the student. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of this list at the time of publication; however, additions or deletions sometimes occur during the year. Students are encouraged to see a counselor and check the ASSIST website regularly for the most current information about approved courses. ASSIST is the official repository of course articulation for California’s public colleges and universities.

To receive the CSU GE Certificate of Achievement:

  1. Students must complete a minimum of 39 units of coursework from Areas A through F including the specific requirements listed for each Area.  
  2. Satisfactory completion of at least 12 semester units in residence within the Coast Colleges (Golden West College, Orange Coast College, and/or Coastline College).
  3. A grade of “C” or better is required for all courses in Area A, the mathematics course in Area B4, and at least 30 of the units completed in Areas A through F. Grades of “credit/pass” can be used if equivalent to a “C."
  4. Students who are awarded this Certificate of Achievement must also specifically request CSU GE Breadth certification when ordering their final transcript to the four-year university.



US HISTORY, CONSTITUTION AND AMERICAN IDEALS (Not part of CSU Breadth. May be completed prior to transfer) 
All CSU campuses require that students demonstrate competence in American History and the Constitution of the United States. Completion of HIST G170 or HIST G175 or HIST G121 or ETHS G121 in Area C2 or D or HIST G155 or ETHS G150 in Area D or F  and PSCI G180 in Area D or PSCI G181 or ETHS G181 in Area D or F will satisfy this requirement. These courses can also be counted for CSU GE Breadth. Students who do not complete this requirement before transfer will need to take appropriate courses at CSU after transfer.