Academic Catalogs

English as a Second Language Preparation for Careers, Certificate of Completion

Banner Code: 3_NCQ_ESLPRP

Control Number: 36288

Not Financial Aid Eligible

This is a three-level certificate program in English as a Second Language, including basic English reading, writing, speaking, and listening, to prepare students for the language demands of entry-level career training and entry-level employment. After completing this certificate, students may go on to high-intermediate ESL classes leading to academic as well as career training programs.

Program Level Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  1. Identify the main idea and supporting details of a level-appropriate reading selection.
  2. Write a grammatically-correct sentence identifying the main idea of a level-appropriate listening text.
  3. Respond to a question by writing a short, appropriate paragraph, using correct grammar and punctuation.

This award confirms that a student has completed a noncredit program that prepares students to progress in a career path or to take degree-applicable courses.

Course Title Hours
Required Core
Complete the following:
Semester 1
ESL C011NSentence Structure 1 Students who are placed into ESL C022N, ESL C032N, or other grammar, reading, or writing course at a higher level than ESL C011N are exempt from ESL C011N.36-144
ESL C012NReading and Writing 1 Students who are placed into ESL C022N, ESL C032N, or other grammar, reading, or writing course at a higher level than ESL C012N are exempt from ESL C012N.36-144
ESL C013NListening and Conversation 1 Students who are placed into ESL C023N, ESL C033N, or other listening and speaking or listening and conversation course at a higher level than ESL C013N are exempt from ESL C013N.36-180
Semester 2
ESL C022NReading, Writing, and Grammar 1B Students who are placed into ESL C032N or other grammar, reading, or writing course at a higher level than ESL C022N are exempt from ESL C022N.144
ESL C023NSpeaking and Listening 1B Students who are placed into ESL C033N or other listening and speaking or listening and conversation course at a higher level than ESL C023N are exempt from ESL C023N.72
Semester 3
ESL C032NReading, Writing, and Grammar 2A144
ESL C033NSpeaking and Listening 2A72
Total Hours540-900