Academic Catalogs

Privacy of and Access to Student Records

The Information Practices Act of 1977, California Civil Code, Sections 1798 et. seq., guarantee certain rights:

The Right to Privacy. Only information about a student that is relevant and necessary to carry out the purpose of the College will be collected. This information will be used only in the administration of specific College programs.

The Right to Access. Students may request access to any records about them that are maintained by the College. The College shall promptly let students or a chosen representative inspect or shall provide students copies of any document or item of information in their case record, within 15 working days of a written request. In a few cases, medical or psychological information will be released only with consent to an appropriate licensed professional.

Protection Against Re-disclosure. All persons who are allowed access to student records are prohibited from disclosing this information to anyone else without specific, informed and written consent. There are specific instances where information may be released without informed, written consent, such as in the case of a medical or mental health or other emergencies.

Student Identification Number. Students are not required to provide their social security number except to receive student financial aid and the 1098T IRS Tuition Statement. However, social security numbers are helpful in identifying student records upon transfer to other institutions. All students are strongly encouraged to select a personal identification number to protect electronic access to their records.

Records Holds. Student records subject to hold for outstanding fee obligations include: Diplomas, enrollment verifications and registration privileges.

Withholding of Student Records

In accordance with District Administrative Procedure 5035, the College Admissions and Records Director shall withhold diplomas, enrollment verifications, and registration privileges from any current or former student who fails to pay a proper financial obligation to the District. The student shall be given written notification and the opportunity to explain if the financial obligation is in error.

The definition of proper financial obligation shall include, but is not limited to: student fees; obligations incurred through the use of facilities, equipment or materials; library fines; unreturned library books; materials remaining improperly in the possession of the student; and/or any other unpaid obligation a current or former student owes to the District. A proper financial obligation does not include any unpaid obligation to a student organization.